Engagement Pit Stop

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Have Your Say Sheffield is a hub for consultations taking place across the Council. In the Housing and Neighbourhoods Service, it's massively important to us that we hear your thoughts and views on the things that matter to you so we can keep improving our services.

We use Have Your Say to share all our council-housing related consultations. Click here to view all those currently running and to take part in the ones of interest to you.

Tenant and Leaseholder Panels

We have a new range of Tenant Panels, each with a different focus and all open to any tenant or leaseholder who would like to join:

Communication and Tenant Satisfaction Panel

This Panel is an opportunity to feedback on how we communicate and share information with you. It also discusses how tenant satisfaction could be improved, monitors our complaints performance and helps us improve our tenant engagement work. Find out more here: Communication and Tenant Satisfaction Panel

Homes Panel

This Panel is where we discuss the council housing Repairs and Maintenance service. It also looks at improvements to the health and safety and the quality standards of our properties. Find out more here: Homes Panel

High Rise Panel

If you live in one of our high-rise buildings, this panel is an opportunity to keep updated on improvements and services to your home. You can also raise any concerns you have about your building, and share your ideas and views for changes in our high rise properties. Find out more here: High-Rise Panel

Tenants Voices Matter

This is our tenant and leaseholder scrutiny group. It works with the Elected Members (local councillors) on the Council's Housing Policy Committee, to ensure that your views are taken into account when important decisions are made which affect how our council housing services are delivered. Find out more here: Tenants Voices Matter

Mystery Shoppers

Our Mystery Shoppers closely inspect the quality of the service that we provide and make recommendations to improve tenant experience. This can be done in a number of ways - for example, by calling our call centre or visiting one of our reception points. Find out more here: Mystery Shopping

Tenants and Residents Virtual community

Join our online community that brings tenants, residents and local groups together in one place. You’ll be able to find out about what’s happening locally using our map and share your ideas on making your community a better place to live. This page belongs to you and those around you in your community Find out more here Tenants and Residents Virtual Community | Have Your Say Sheffield

As well these specific Panels, we know that there are many other different ways people like to share their thoughts and have their voice heard, so we have also put together a guide for the other ways you can get involved below.

Our Housing and Neighbourhoods Facebook page provides the latest news and updates for our service .

Your Home, Your Neighbourhood is our monthly tenants e-bulletin with service updates and positive news stories. If you don't already receive the it you can click here to sign up. You may also want to have a look at the other subscriptions the Council offers.

Our Annual Report looks back on our performance over the last year and outlines what we're planning to do next. It gives you the opportunity to scrutinise our performance and share any thoughts.

Our Engagement and Development Officers each support tenants in one or more areas of the city to get involved and have your voice heard. To find out which Officer can support you, get in touch with the team at GetInvolved@sheffield.gov.uk

Our Six Neighbourhood Teams each cover an area of the city. working at a local level and supporting you in many aspects of your tenancy. You can also visit one of our local Neighbourhood Offices, which offer a range of council services.

If you are looking to find out more about the democratic process or are interested in getting involved, you may want to check out our Local Area Committees. There are seven Local Area Committees each covering an area of Sheffield, supporting residents to get involved.

Tenants and Residents Associations strive to bring their communities together by supporting activities or events that are of interest to local people. There are over 40 of these in Sheffield and may be of interest if you want to get involved in community activities.

Every Sheffield resident has elected representatives who represent the ward they live in. This includes Councillors and MPs. If you are unsure about who represents you, you can find out more here.

Our Involvement and Engagement Team work hard to improve the ways we engage with you. If you have any thoughts on what more we could do, click the "Ideas" tab below to make a suggestion - or use the "Questions" tab to ask us for more information about how you can get involved.

Finally, we'd love to know what you think of this page! Click on the "Survey" tab below to complete a quick survey to give us your views about it - this is a new site for us, and we're keen to make it as informative and user-friendly as possible. Your opinions will help us do that - thank you!

Have Your Say Sheffield is a hub for consultations taking place across the Council. In the Housing and Neighbourhoods Service, it's massively important to us that we hear your thoughts and views on the things that matter to you so we can keep improving our services.

We use Have Your Say to share all our council-housing related consultations. Click here to view all those currently running and to take part in the ones of interest to you.

Tenant and Leaseholder Panels

We have a new range of Tenant Panels, each with a different focus and all open to any tenant or leaseholder who would like to join:

Communication and Tenant Satisfaction Panel

This Panel is an opportunity to feedback on how we communicate and share information with you. It also discusses how tenant satisfaction could be improved, monitors our complaints performance and helps us improve our tenant engagement work. Find out more here: Communication and Tenant Satisfaction Panel

Homes Panel

This Panel is where we discuss the council housing Repairs and Maintenance service. It also looks at improvements to the health and safety and the quality standards of our properties. Find out more here: Homes Panel

High Rise Panel

If you live in one of our high-rise buildings, this panel is an opportunity to keep updated on improvements and services to your home. You can also raise any concerns you have about your building, and share your ideas and views for changes in our high rise properties. Find out more here: High-Rise Panel

Tenants Voices Matter

This is our tenant and leaseholder scrutiny group. It works with the Elected Members (local councillors) on the Council's Housing Policy Committee, to ensure that your views are taken into account when important decisions are made which affect how our council housing services are delivered. Find out more here: Tenants Voices Matter

Mystery Shoppers

Our Mystery Shoppers closely inspect the quality of the service that we provide and make recommendations to improve tenant experience. This can be done in a number of ways - for example, by calling our call centre or visiting one of our reception points. Find out more here: Mystery Shopping

Tenants and Residents Virtual community

Join our online community that brings tenants, residents and local groups together in one place. You’ll be able to find out about what’s happening locally using our map and share your ideas on making your community a better place to live. This page belongs to you and those around you in your community Find out more here Tenants and Residents Virtual Community | Have Your Say Sheffield

As well these specific Panels, we know that there are many other different ways people like to share their thoughts and have their voice heard, so we have also put together a guide for the other ways you can get involved below.

Our Housing and Neighbourhoods Facebook page provides the latest news and updates for our service .

Your Home, Your Neighbourhood is our monthly tenants e-bulletin with service updates and positive news stories. If you don't already receive the it you can click here to sign up. You may also want to have a look at the other subscriptions the Council offers.

Our Annual Report looks back on our performance over the last year and outlines what we're planning to do next. It gives you the opportunity to scrutinise our performance and share any thoughts.

Our Engagement and Development Officers each support tenants in one or more areas of the city to get involved and have your voice heard. To find out which Officer can support you, get in touch with the team at GetInvolved@sheffield.gov.uk

Our Six Neighbourhood Teams each cover an area of the city. working at a local level and supporting you in many aspects of your tenancy. You can also visit one of our local Neighbourhood Offices, which offer a range of council services.

If you are looking to find out more about the democratic process or are interested in getting involved, you may want to check out our Local Area Committees. There are seven Local Area Committees each covering an area of Sheffield, supporting residents to get involved.

Tenants and Residents Associations strive to bring their communities together by supporting activities or events that are of interest to local people. There are over 40 of these in Sheffield and may be of interest if you want to get involved in community activities.

Every Sheffield resident has elected representatives who represent the ward they live in. This includes Councillors and MPs. If you are unsure about who represents you, you can find out more here.

Our Involvement and Engagement Team work hard to improve the ways we engage with you. If you have any thoughts on what more we could do, click the "Ideas" tab below to make a suggestion - or use the "Questions" tab to ask us for more information about how you can get involved.

Finally, we'd love to know what you think of this page! Click on the "Survey" tab below to complete a quick survey to give us your views about it - this is a new site for us, and we're keen to make it as informative and user-friendly as possible. Your opinions will help us do that - thank you!

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    This Forum is for comments, questions, ideas and feedback on anything related to engagement!  Please feel free to make suggestions about how we can improve engagement, or ask us questions about how to get involved. 

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Page last updated: 07 Mar 2025, 09:05 PM