Mystery Shopping
We are on the search for tenants and leaseholders who would like to form a Scrutiny Panel or to become Mystery Shoppers. By you being involved this will allow us to measure the quality of the service that we provide to you and make, where appropriate necessary changes to improve tenant experience. Volunteers will closely inspect how we deliver our services within the Housing and Neighbourhood Service and allow you to shape our services.
We have launched our Estate Services project and there is still time for you to get involved. If you would like to support this project, please email with your contact details, including your address and best contact telephone number. You do not need to have any previous experience as you will be invited to attend virtual meetings where all relevant information and support will be given.
We hold all of our meetings via Zoom. In order to join meetings, you will need to download and sign up with the Zoom app. See the document on the right of the screen 'How to Access Zoom Meetings Guide' which will help you to do this.
We have already completed our first Mystery Shopping project, which focused on the Contact Centre. Our tenants wrote a report and recommendations with the support of an independent expert from the Yvonne Davies Consultancy. One of our tenants presented this report and recommendations to the Council's Transparent, Influence and Accountability Governance Board and will attend this board again in September to hold them to account.
Please visit our Ideas Board - see link below - and share your thoughts and suggestions with us by clicking on Ideas, then Have Your Say. There, you can also see the thoughts and suggestions of other tenants. Use the ideas board to tell us what you would like us to focus on after our Estate Services project. This could be repairs, rehousing, voids, tenancy management or any other issue that is important to you.
Coming very soon! We are about to invite tenants to trial our automated telephone repairs service, which will involve making a trial call and completing a feedback questionnaire online, which will appear in our Surveys below.