Have your say on walking, wheeling and cycling in your neighbourhood

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An adult is walking on a tree-lined street holding a child's hand. Their backs are to the camera.

Our survey is now closed! Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their feedback.

Sheffield has an opportunity to secure significant funding for projects which will help make walking, wheeling and cycling to local places safer and more attractive in future.

To meet Government funding rules, we need to prepare an investment plan which shows all the evidence to support any proposals we might develop. To do this, we need to gather views from people we don’t usually hear from.

What do we want to know?

  • Which places do you go to in your neighbourhood?
  • Where would you like to go to but don’t?
  • What is it like to make these trips now by walking, wheeling (for example using a mobility scooter or with a buggy) or cycling?
  • What stops you from travelling in these ways, and what can we do to improve these journeys?

Who do we want to hear from?

We know that lots of people contact us when we propose these kinds of transport projects. We get both comments of support and objections. But there are also lots of people in areas across Sheffield who rarely or never respond to Council consultations or conversations.

We are working with SYSTRA, a community engagement specialist, alongside our Local Area Committees and local voluntary, faith and community sector organisations to help us make sure we speak to those people we rarely hear from.

Please complete our survey to share your views - it should take around eight to ten minutes.

What will we do with the findings?

The findings will help to shape future projects to improve access, safety and comfort, particularly for walking, to local destinations. In turn, these projects will help support local services, shops and businesses, and better connect you to the places you like to go to in your neighbourhood.

Our survey is now closed! Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their feedback.

Sheffield has an opportunity to secure significant funding for projects which will help make walking, wheeling and cycling to local places safer and more attractive in future.

To meet Government funding rules, we need to prepare an investment plan which shows all the evidence to support any proposals we might develop. To do this, we need to gather views from people we don’t usually hear from.

What do we want to know?

  • Which places do you go to in your neighbourhood?
  • Where would you like to go to but don’t?
  • What is it like to make these trips now by walking, wheeling (for example using a mobility scooter or with a buggy) or cycling?
  • What stops you from travelling in these ways, and what can we do to improve these journeys?

Who do we want to hear from?

We know that lots of people contact us when we propose these kinds of transport projects. We get both comments of support and objections. But there are also lots of people in areas across Sheffield who rarely or never respond to Council consultations or conversations.

We are working with SYSTRA, a community engagement specialist, alongside our Local Area Committees and local voluntary, faith and community sector organisations to help us make sure we speak to those people we rarely hear from.

Please complete our survey to share your views - it should take around eight to ten minutes.

What will we do with the findings?

The findings will help to shape future projects to improve access, safety and comfort, particularly for walking, to local destinations. In turn, these projects will help support local services, shops and businesses, and better connect you to the places you like to go to in your neighbourhood.

  • Our survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who shared their experiences.
    Share Have your say on walking, wheeling and cycling in your neighbourhood on Facebook Share Have your say on walking, wheeling and cycling in your neighbourhood on Twitter Share Have your say on walking, wheeling and cycling in your neighbourhood on Linkedin Email Have your say on walking, wheeling and cycling in your neighbourhood link
Page last updated: 27 Aug 2024, 09:54 AM