Transport and Highways

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This theme focuses on tackling speeding and improving road safety. This includes parking and improving the way people can travel in order to better their lifestyles. The approach is to work with Transport & Highways, services, Police, voluntary, community and faith sectors and residents to identify which roads are unsafe and how we can promote safer and healthier travel in the community. The project will develop initiatives to tackle unsafe roads, poor parking, active travel and consult on transport links in and around the LAC area.

Our priorities for this theme:

  • To tackle speeding vehicles and improve roads to make them safer for all
  • To promote active travel, healthy lifestyles and improve cycling routes
  • To work with partners to improve public transport and connectivity links
  • To enforce and tackle poor and dangerous parking

What have we delivered so far?

Pedestrian Enhancement and Parking

Sheffield City Council Highways funded a pedestrian enhancements scheme and worked with the North East LAC to install such things as traffic lights and crossings on busy roads like Foxhill Road in the Southey Ward. We also work alongside South Yorkshire Police and Sheffield City Council Parking Services to tackle antisocial parking in hotspot areas such as Firth Park Centre.

Speeding Project

Vehicle-activated signs (VAS) are electronic signs which only become visible when approaching motor vehicles are exceeding a certain speed. We installed four in the North-East wards, and we rotate the locations of theses quarterly depending on where speeding was reported to us as an issue. The data is then analysed and shared with South Yorkshire Police. These signs also highlight areas in need of a speed watch.

Good, Bad Parking

The North-East LAC and Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) have started working in collaboration with schools to reduce dangerous and inconsiderate parking at peak times.

We have been into schools to promote a discussion with the children about what good parking looks like. The children then designed some Good Parking Tickets that they gave out themselves in the areas near their school’s grounds. Drivers were celebrated for their safe and considerate parking.

We are delighted to say that we will be continuing with this project. So far, we have plans to work with nine schools in the North-East.

This theme focuses on tackling speeding and improving road safety. This includes parking and improving the way people can travel in order to better their lifestyles. The approach is to work with Transport & Highways, services, Police, voluntary, community and faith sectors and residents to identify which roads are unsafe and how we can promote safer and healthier travel in the community. The project will develop initiatives to tackle unsafe roads, poor parking, active travel and consult on transport links in and around the LAC area.

Our priorities for this theme:

  • To tackle speeding vehicles and improve roads to make them safer for all
  • To promote active travel, healthy lifestyles and improve cycling routes
  • To work with partners to improve public transport and connectivity links
  • To enforce and tackle poor and dangerous parking

What have we delivered so far?

Pedestrian Enhancement and Parking

Sheffield City Council Highways funded a pedestrian enhancements scheme and worked with the North East LAC to install such things as traffic lights and crossings on busy roads like Foxhill Road in the Southey Ward. We also work alongside South Yorkshire Police and Sheffield City Council Parking Services to tackle antisocial parking in hotspot areas such as Firth Park Centre.

Speeding Project

Vehicle-activated signs (VAS) are electronic signs which only become visible when approaching motor vehicles are exceeding a certain speed. We installed four in the North-East wards, and we rotate the locations of theses quarterly depending on where speeding was reported to us as an issue. The data is then analysed and shared with South Yorkshire Police. These signs also highlight areas in need of a speed watch.

Good, Bad Parking

The North-East LAC and Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) have started working in collaboration with schools to reduce dangerous and inconsiderate parking at peak times.

We have been into schools to promote a discussion with the children about what good parking looks like. The children then designed some Good Parking Tickets that they gave out themselves in the areas near their school’s grounds. Drivers were celebrated for their safe and considerate parking.

We are delighted to say that we will be continuing with this project. So far, we have plans to work with nine schools in the North-East.

Page last updated: 30 Aug 2024, 01:01 PM