Sheffield City Council Custom and Self-Build Register
To comply with the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Regulations 2016 all relevant authorities must keep a register of individuals and associations who are interested in acquiring land for self-build and custom housebuilding.
There is some essential information required by the regulations (noted on the registration form) and this is the only information required in order to be added to the register. Additional questions have been included to provide us with more information. This will help us to assess the demand for specific types of custom and self-build. It will also help us to inform planning policies, housing strategies and be considered when disposing of Council owned land.
What to expect when you join the register
We are required by law to maintain the custom and self-build register. As mentioned, the information provided gives us an insight into the demand for custom and self-build as well as what type of property and where people want to build.
By joining the register, the council is not obligated to source land for individual projects. The responsibility to find land, seek relevant permissions and build remains with the individual or group. Equally, you do not need to be registered to carry out your own custom or self-build project.
We may contact you from time to time via email if we have any site disposals which we think would be of particular interest to custom and self-builders. Otherwise, all Sheffield City Council disposals are advertised for sale on Rightmove.
Who is eligible for entry in the register?
Individuals or groups can apply to be on the custom and self-build register. Any individual applicants must meet the below eligibility requirements. Any groups or associations applying to join the register must confirm that every member of the group is eligible. One member of the group will need to be identified as the lead contact.
Applicants must be:
- aged over 18;
- a British citizen, a national of an EEA State other than the United Kingdom, or a national of Switzerland;
- seeking (either alone or with others) to acquire a serviced plot of land in the relevant authority’s area for their own self-build and custom housebuilding.
To ensure we are holding relevant and up to date information, we review the register annually and we will contact you when we do this so you can confirm that you would like to remain registered.
If you would like to be removed from the register, or amend any details, please contact us. The government regulations require that you send this request to us in writing, and we then have 28 days to remove your details. We will let you know once this has been actioned.