What is a sexual entertainment venue (SEV)?

    A premises at which relevant entertainment (lap dancing; pole dancing; table dancing; strip shows; peep shows and live sex shows. This list is not exhaustive and should only be treated as indicative.) is provided before a live audience for the financial gain of the organiser or the entertainer.

    What is a sex shop?

    a premises, vehicle, vessel or stall used for a business consisting to a significant degree of selling, hiring, exchanging, lending, displaying or demonstrating:

    (a) sex articles; or

    (b) other things intended for use in connection with, or for the purpose of stimulating or encouraging -

    i. sexual activity; or

    ii. acts of force or restraint which are associated with sexual activity.

    What is a sex cinema?

    A premises, vehicle, vessel or stall used to a significant degree for the exhibition of moving pictures related to, or intended to stimulate or encourage, sexual activity, acts of force or restraint associated with sexual activity, or concerned primarily with the portrayal of or primarily deal with, or relate to, genital organs or excretory or urinary functions, but does not include a dwelling house to which the public is not admitted