Sex Establishment Licensing Policy Consultation

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Consultation has concluded

We are seeking views on the licensing of the following establishments in Sheffield:

  • sex shops
  • sexual entertainment venues (SEV's) and
  • sex cinemas.

Collectively referred to as 'sex establishments', we have defined each in the frequently asked questions section and have used these terms throughout the draft policy document and the survey.

Previous Consultation

We consulted on our draft policy in 2019 but the Coronavirus pandemic halted progress to formalising it.

In the 2019 consultation, we received 153 comments that said we should impose a 'nil limit' on Sexual Entertainment Venues in Sheffield; 2 submissions were in favour of SEV's.

Numbers of Establishments

The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 allows local authorities to limit the number of sex establishments in a relevant locality.

In Sheffield, there is currently:

  • one licensed sex shop
  • no licensed sexual entertainment venues and
  • no sex cinemas.

Based on the consultation carried out in 2019, we are proposing to limit the number of sexual entertainment venues to 'nil' in all areas of Sheffield.

We do not propose to place any limit on the number of sex shops or sex cinemas in any area of Sheffield.

Consultation Documents

We have attached 3 downloadable documents:

  1. Draft Sex Establishment Policy
  2. Nil Limit Area Rationale
  3. Equality Impact Assessment

We would now like to know whether the views submitted in 2019 have changed or remain the same.

We have added a survey below to gain your feedback, please read all three consultation documents before answering the questions.

If you wish to submit any further information, please send this to:

We are seeking views on the licensing of the following establishments in Sheffield:

  • sex shops
  • sexual entertainment venues (SEV's) and
  • sex cinemas.

Collectively referred to as 'sex establishments', we have defined each in the frequently asked questions section and have used these terms throughout the draft policy document and the survey.

Previous Consultation

We consulted on our draft policy in 2019 but the Coronavirus pandemic halted progress to formalising it.

In the 2019 consultation, we received 153 comments that said we should impose a 'nil limit' on Sexual Entertainment Venues in Sheffield; 2 submissions were in favour of SEV's.

Numbers of Establishments

The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 allows local authorities to limit the number of sex establishments in a relevant locality.

In Sheffield, there is currently:

  • one licensed sex shop
  • no licensed sexual entertainment venues and
  • no sex cinemas.

Based on the consultation carried out in 2019, we are proposing to limit the number of sexual entertainment venues to 'nil' in all areas of Sheffield.

We do not propose to place any limit on the number of sex shops or sex cinemas in any area of Sheffield.

Consultation Documents

We have attached 3 downloadable documents:

  1. Draft Sex Establishment Policy
  2. Nil Limit Area Rationale
  3. Equality Impact Assessment

We would now like to know whether the views submitted in 2019 have changed or remain the same.

We have added a survey below to gain your feedback, please read all three consultation documents before answering the questions.

If you wish to submit any further information, please send this to:

  • Consultation has concluded
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