Our Council Plan and 2024-25 budget - Sheffield City Council

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Consultation has concluded

Update - March 2024

This consultation took place from 21 December 2023 to 26 January 2024. Analysis of all the responses and comments has helped to inform the development of our Council Plan (2024-28) and Council Budget (2024-25).

There was some really useful and thoughtful feedback. If you're interested in seeing this and our responses, including changes made to the Council Plan following the consultation, please click on the reports shown on this page.

Here's the introductory information about the consultation:

This is a time of opportunity for Sheffield. We are a city on the up and with our draft City Goals, we have a clear statement from the people of the city of their ambitions for Sheffield’s future.

The City Council has an important contribution to make, helping the city to achieve its Goals through the decisions we make and the services we deliver. But it is also about how we do things – together we get things done – working alongside communities, city partner organisations and businesses to get the best outcomes for Sheffield.

This consultation is about us listening to what you think about our new draft Council Plan and our budget for the coming year.

Draft Council Plan and our budget for 2024/25

The draft Council Plan is our four-year plan for the Council. It sets out the priorities we will focus on and sits alongside our four-year Medium-Term Financial Analysis (MTFA) and our budget.

It helps us to take a longer-term approach to our finances, making sure our resources are focused on the things our residents have told us are most important to them. As a first step, we’ve set out the proposals for next year’s budget to start to deliver the Council Plan.

We’ve also created a new draft Performance Framework to allow us to monitor and report on how we’re performing, so we can see what’s working well and what might need to change.

We are confident that our draft Council Plan and budget proposals for 2024/25 are focused on the things that people in Sheffield have said they want us to do.

We’ve listened to what everyone has told us through the City Goals development, through Local Area Committees and through the range of engagement and consultation we do as a Council. But, we want to check with you through this consultation that we’ve got it right.

What happens next

The consultation is open until 26th January 2024. All of the thoughts and views you provide will inform the final budget proposals, which will be considered by Strategy and Resources Committee in February 2024 so that they can make their budget recommendations to Full Council.

Contact details

If you have any queries or need help with taking part in this consultation, or if you require a paper copy, please email us at equalitiesandinvolvement@sheffield.gov.uk.

Thank you

There's quite a lot of information included in this consultation and we really appreciate your time. Our Council Plan and budget are important to get right and so your views are highly valued. We take account of every comment we receive. Unfortunately, we can't reply to individual questions or comments.

Update - March 2024

This consultation took place from 21 December 2023 to 26 January 2024. Analysis of all the responses and comments has helped to inform the development of our Council Plan (2024-28) and Council Budget (2024-25).

There was some really useful and thoughtful feedback. If you're interested in seeing this and our responses, including changes made to the Council Plan following the consultation, please click on the reports shown on this page.

Here's the introductory information about the consultation:

This is a time of opportunity for Sheffield. We are a city on the up and with our draft City Goals, we have a clear statement from the people of the city of their ambitions for Sheffield’s future.

The City Council has an important contribution to make, helping the city to achieve its Goals through the decisions we make and the services we deliver. But it is also about how we do things – together we get things done – working alongside communities, city partner organisations and businesses to get the best outcomes for Sheffield.

This consultation is about us listening to what you think about our new draft Council Plan and our budget for the coming year.

Draft Council Plan and our budget for 2024/25

The draft Council Plan is our four-year plan for the Council. It sets out the priorities we will focus on and sits alongside our four-year Medium-Term Financial Analysis (MTFA) and our budget.

It helps us to take a longer-term approach to our finances, making sure our resources are focused on the things our residents have told us are most important to them. As a first step, we’ve set out the proposals for next year’s budget to start to deliver the Council Plan.

We’ve also created a new draft Performance Framework to allow us to monitor and report on how we’re performing, so we can see what’s working well and what might need to change.

We are confident that our draft Council Plan and budget proposals for 2024/25 are focused on the things that people in Sheffield have said they want us to do.

We’ve listened to what everyone has told us through the City Goals development, through Local Area Committees and through the range of engagement and consultation we do as a Council. But, we want to check with you through this consultation that we’ve got it right.

What happens next

The consultation is open until 26th January 2024. All of the thoughts and views you provide will inform the final budget proposals, which will be considered by Strategy and Resources Committee in February 2024 so that they can make their budget recommendations to Full Council.

Contact details

If you have any queries or need help with taking part in this consultation, or if you require a paper copy, please email us at equalitiesandinvolvement@sheffield.gov.uk.

Thank you

There's quite a lot of information included in this consultation and we really appreciate your time. Our Council Plan and budget are important to get right and so your views are highly valued. We take account of every comment we receive. Unfortunately, we can't reply to individual questions or comments.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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