Parks and Open Spaces

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This priority focuses on the enhancement, regeneration, and improvement of parks and open spaces in the wards across the North-East area. We collaborate with Parks & Countryside and other Council services to identify open spaces that could be better utilized and improved. Continuous consultations with residents will be conducted to gather suggestions and ideas on how best to achieve this priority.

Our priorities for this theme:

  • to protect the natural habitat and promote heritage and history
  • to improve the facilities in parks, keeping them maintained and safe
  • to support more community gardens, friends of groups and allotments
  • to promote healthy lifestyles through parks and open spaces

What have we delivered so far?

  • ‘Friends of’ group Support Project

The North-East LAC works closely with "Friends of" groups, such as Friends of Concord Park and Woolley Wood (FOCPWW). We funded festivals, events, and activities within our parks, including the Lantern Parade, Parson Cross Park Fun Day, Firth Park Festival, Longley 4 Greens Fun Day, and Abbeyfield Park Fun Day.

The North-East LAC also purchased additional bins, wrapped in colorful artwork, for Concord Park. We funded the purchase and installation of accessible picnic benches for Friends of Ellesmere Park. Additionally, funding and support were provided to the Friends of Firth Park Community Allotments and Hope Community Allotments.

The North-East LAC initiated a small open spaces project, creating pocket community gardens featuring wildflowers, flower beds, and daffodils. This project will be further developed within our Land Project and the Community Unloved Pockets of Land Project.

  • Longley Park Consultation

The North East LAC carried out a consultation to fund new park equipment at Longley Park Playground. Follow the link for more information on the plans and survey outcomes.

This priority focuses on the enhancement, regeneration, and improvement of parks and open spaces in the wards across the North-East area. We collaborate with Parks & Countryside and other Council services to identify open spaces that could be better utilized and improved. Continuous consultations with residents will be conducted to gather suggestions and ideas on how best to achieve this priority.

Our priorities for this theme:

  • to protect the natural habitat and promote heritage and history
  • to improve the facilities in parks, keeping them maintained and safe
  • to support more community gardens, friends of groups and allotments
  • to promote healthy lifestyles through parks and open spaces

What have we delivered so far?

  • ‘Friends of’ group Support Project

The North-East LAC works closely with "Friends of" groups, such as Friends of Concord Park and Woolley Wood (FOCPWW). We funded festivals, events, and activities within our parks, including the Lantern Parade, Parson Cross Park Fun Day, Firth Park Festival, Longley 4 Greens Fun Day, and Abbeyfield Park Fun Day.

The North-East LAC also purchased additional bins, wrapped in colorful artwork, for Concord Park. We funded the purchase and installation of accessible picnic benches for Friends of Ellesmere Park. Additionally, funding and support were provided to the Friends of Firth Park Community Allotments and Hope Community Allotments.

The North-East LAC initiated a small open spaces project, creating pocket community gardens featuring wildflowers, flower beds, and daffodils. This project will be further developed within our Land Project and the Community Unloved Pockets of Land Project.

  • Longley Park Consultation

The North East LAC carried out a consultation to fund new park equipment at Longley Park Playground. Follow the link for more information on the plans and survey outcomes.

Page last updated: 30 Aug 2024, 01:00 PM