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Sheffield Draft Older People’s Housing Strategy 2025-30 – Partner Survey

We have written the Strategy after hearing what older residents told us about their housing and support needs and following the consultation on the Housing Strategy 2024-2034 itself. Now we just need to check if we’ve got it right.


This survey is designed for representatives of organisations working across the housing, health, care, energy and voluntary sectors. Successful delivery of the Strategy can only be achieved in partnership and your feedback on how your organisation could get involved to help deliver the priorities will help us to develop the Strategy’s action plan which will follow.  


Links to the draft Older People’s Housing Strategy and to a one-page summary can be found on the right of the screen.


The survey should take around 15 minutes to do and will close on 12th March 2025.  


What happens to my feedback?


The feedback collected in this survey will be analysed by Sheffield City Council’s Strategic Housing and Regeneration Team.  The survey will be carried out in line with the 2018 Data Protection Act and 2018 GDPR legislation that sets out how your information can be used and helps make sure it is kept safe.


Your feedback will be anonymous however, we do ask for the name of your organisation and job role to help us understand who we have consulted with.


Once the consultation is completed and the feedback has been analysed, all personal data collected will be deleted.


More information about how we collect personal data and store it can be found here:

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