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Survey 2: Sexual Harassment in Sheffield


Harassment is when someone acts in an unwanted way that makes, or intends to make, someone feel uncomfortable. Sexual harassment is when this is of a sexual nature.

Sexual harassment can happen online or in-person. It can happen outside in public places like parks or on the street. It can also happen at work or school, or in public buildings like bars, cafes or leisure centers. 
Sexual harassment might look like:

  • Sexual comments or requests
  • Sexual gestures
  • Sexual jokes
  • Sexual comments about how someone looks
  • Suggestive looks or staring
  • Sexual insults like 'slut’ or ‘whore’

We do not know enough about sexual harassment in Sheffield. This survey will ask some questions so we can improve our knowledge.

What will I be asked in the survey?

Part 1:

Questions around how safe you feel and what affects this,

Part 2:

Questions about when you have seen sexual harassment and what you did.

Part 3:

Questions about when you have been sexually harassed and what you did.

Part 4:

Questions about what you think we can do in the future.

0% answered

About you

These questions are for us to better understand who has and who has not responded. 


What is your age?


What is your sex (assigned at birth)?


Is your gender identity the same as your sex registered at birth?


If no - what is your gender identity? 


What is your sexual orientation?


Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person?


If you have answered ‘yes’, please tick the box(es) below that best describe your impairment(s). 

We list a few examples but recognise many other conditions could also be listed. Please tick all that apply.


Are you an unpaid carer?

A carer is anyone who provides unpaid care by looking after or giving help or support to family members (including a disabled child), friends, neighbours or others because of long-term physical or mental ill health / disability, or problems related to old age. It does not include parents of non-disabled children.

What is your religion or belief? 


What is your ethnicity?