Making Sheffield Safer

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***Please note the window for responding to both surveys has been extended by two weeks- the survey now closes on 15/07/24***

Help us shape our plans around domestic abuse, sexual violence, and VAWG by completing our two surveys


In 2024 the Domestic Abuse Co-ordination Team (DACT) in Sheffield City Council are refreshing a strategy for Sheffield to help make the city safer. This will cover:

  • Domestic Abuse and safe accommodation for victim/survivors (i.e. refuges, individual safe accommodation)
  • Sexual violence
  • Wider Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) (e.g. sexual harassment, spiking, stalking, image based offences)*
  • People who do harm (perpetrators)

We want to make sure our plan is useful, so we want to hear from people who live in Sheffield. Your answers will help us to decide what to focus on in our plans.

What am I being asked to do?

We are asking residents of Sheffield to have their say via two surveys:

  • Survey 1: How can Sheffield prevent and respond to domestic abuse, sexual violence and violence against women and girls (VAWG)?
  • Survey 2: Sexual Harassment in Sheffield (as this is a specific knowledge gap)

You may not have come across some of these terms before, please look at our easy read glossary to see what we are asking about.

If you want, you can also look at our past strategies and annual report to find out more about what we have been doing in Sheffield. You do not need to do this to take part in our survey.

*We know that all genders can be impacted by these issues as victim/survivors. This term is widely used to reflect their gendered nature of and disproportionate impact on women and girls. The experiences of men and boys are still considered.

Minor edits to survey questions 28/06.24- spelling/grammar and description on survey 1, question 19.3.

***Please note the window for responding to both surveys has been extended by two weeks- the survey now closes on 15/07/24***

Help us shape our plans around domestic abuse, sexual violence, and VAWG by completing our two surveys


In 2024 the Domestic Abuse Co-ordination Team (DACT) in Sheffield City Council are refreshing a strategy for Sheffield to help make the city safer. This will cover:

  • Domestic Abuse and safe accommodation for victim/survivors (i.e. refuges, individual safe accommodation)
  • Sexual violence
  • Wider Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) (e.g. sexual harassment, spiking, stalking, image based offences)*
  • People who do harm (perpetrators)

We want to make sure our plan is useful, so we want to hear from people who live in Sheffield. Your answers will help us to decide what to focus on in our plans.

What am I being asked to do?

We are asking residents of Sheffield to have their say via two surveys:

  • Survey 1: How can Sheffield prevent and respond to domestic abuse, sexual violence and violence against women and girls (VAWG)?
  • Survey 2: Sexual Harassment in Sheffield (as this is a specific knowledge gap)

You may not have come across some of these terms before, please look at our easy read glossary to see what we are asking about.

If you want, you can also look at our past strategies and annual report to find out more about what we have been doing in Sheffield. You do not need to do this to take part in our survey.

*We know that all genders can be impacted by these issues as victim/survivors. This term is widely used to reflect their gendered nature of and disproportionate impact on women and girls. The experiences of men and boys are still considered.

Minor edits to survey questions 28/06.24- spelling/grammar and description on survey 1, question 19.3.

  • Introduction:
    We want to know what matters to Sheffield residents when making new plans to prevent and respond to the following:

    • Domestic abuse 
    • Sexual violence
    • Wider Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)
    • People who do harm (perpetrators)


    You can read more detailed definitions with examples in the easy read glossary. 

    Domestic abuse:

    Domestic abuse is when you are harmed by: 

    • Someone you have a close relationship with, like a partner or ex-partner.
    • A family member.

    Sexual violence:

    Sexual violence is a term that describes when you are made to do sexual things when you do not want to.

    Sexual harassment:

    Harassment is when someone acts in an unwanted way that makes someone feel uncomfortable. Sexual harassment is when this is of a sexual nature.


    Stalking is fixated, obsessive, repeated and unwanted behaviour. 

    Image-based offences:

    These offences are when someone takes, shares, or threatens to share sexual images or videos of a person without their knowledge or permission, and with the aim of causing them harm.

    Sexual exploitation:

    Someone trying to pressure you to have sex or do sexual things. They might use a power imbalance, money concerns, or give you gifts in return. If the person is aged under 18 this is defined as childhood sexual exploitation. 

    Childhood sexual abuse (CSA):

    Childhood sexual abuse is when someone forces, tricks, or persuades a child or young person to take part in sexual activities. It may with or without their understanding.

    What will I be asked in the survey? 

    We want to hear about your experiences in Sheffield. We know that these issues can be hard to talk about, we are asking to try and make things better and will not ask for any detail. 

    The survey will start by asking you about yourself, so we know who has and who has not responded. 

    After this the survey is in 3 parts: 

    Part 1: Your experiences in Sheffield

    Questions around your own experiences in Sheffield. We need to know how they impacted you and what you did as result. This helps us to understand the scale and impact of issues in Sheffield and identify gaps in the wider support system.

    Part 2: Your awareness and experience of accessing support services

    Questions around your awareness of local and national support services. This helps us understand what support people have heard of and how we can increase it.

    Part 3: How can we improve things?

    Questions around actions that are important to you and your ideas on how to create change in the next 3 years and beyond. 

    Take Survey
    Share Survey 1: How can Sheffield prevent and respond to domestic abuse, sexual violence and violence against women and girls (VAWG)? on Facebook Share Survey 1: How can Sheffield prevent and respond to domestic abuse, sexual violence and violence against women and girls (VAWG)? on Twitter Share Survey 1: How can Sheffield prevent and respond to domestic abuse, sexual violence and violence against women and girls (VAWG)? on Linkedin Email Survey 1: How can Sheffield prevent and respond to domestic abuse, sexual violence and violence against women and girls (VAWG)? link
  • Introduction:

    Harassment is when someone acts in an unwanted way that makes, or intends to make, someone feel uncomfortable. Sexual harassment is when this is of a sexual nature.

    Sexual harassment can happen online or in-person. It can happen outside in public places like parks or on the street. It can also happen at work or school, or in public buildings like bars, cafes or leisure centers. 
    Sexual harassment might look like:

    • Sexual comments or requests
    • Sexual gestures
    • Sexual jokes
    • Sexual comments about how someone looks
    • Suggestive looks or staring
    • Sexual insults like 'slut’ or ‘whore’

    We do not know enough about sexual harassment in Sheffield. This survey will ask some questions so we can improve our knowledge.

    What will I be asked in the survey?

    Part 1:

    Questions around how safe you feel and what affects this,

    Part 2:

    Questions about when you have seen sexual harassment and what you did.

    Part 3:

    Questions about when you have been sexually harassed and what you did.

    Part 4:

    Questions about what you think we can do in the future.

    Take Survey
    Share Survey 2: Sexual Harassment in Sheffield on Facebook Share Survey 2: Sexual Harassment in Sheffield on Twitter Share Survey 2: Sexual Harassment in Sheffield on Linkedin Email Survey 2: Sexual Harassment in Sheffield link
Page last updated: 28 Jun 2024, 03:35 PM