Green Network

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The Green Network is a new project that we will be launching this year. The Green Network will incorporate the 'Friends of' groups, the Litter Picking groups, the Allotment Societies and any volunteers working in green spaces. This will be a platform where groups can showcase the wonderful work that they are doing as well as invite new members to join them. It will also be a space for groups to direct people to their upcoming events, and conduct consultations linked to a specific theme that will benefit their cause or their area.

The Green Network is a new project that we will be launching this year. The Green Network will incorporate the 'Friends of' groups, the Litter Picking groups, the Allotment Societies and any volunteers working in green spaces. This will be a platform where groups can showcase the wonderful work that they are doing as well as invite new members to join them. It will also be a space for groups to direct people to their upcoming events, and conduct consultations linked to a specific theme that will benefit their cause or their area.

Page last updated: 30 Aug 2024, 03:59 PM