Statement of Representations Procedure
1) Title of document
Sheffield Plan: Our City, Our Future – Publication (Pre-Submission) Draft
2) Subject matter
The new Sheffield Plan is Sheffield Council’s draft Local Plan which we propose to submit to the Government. The draft Plan sets out the council’s strategy for future growth and change through to 2039, and will help to deliver Sheffield City Council’s objectives for delivering a fairer city for everyone. The plan consists of:
- Part 1 – Vision, Spatial Strategy, Sub-Area Policies and Site Allocations
- Part 2 – Development Management Policies and Implementation
- A policies Map
- Annex A – Site Allocations Schedule
- Annex B – Parking Guidelines
- Glossary
The role of this consultation is to provide the opportunity for representations to be made on the ‘soundness’ and legal compliance of the plan before it is submitted to the Government for Examination. See Item 5) below for more information.
3) Period for submission of representations
The period for representations will run for 6 weeks from 9 January until 20 February 2023.
4) Where to view the plan and supporting documents
You can view and download the plan and supporting documents on the council’s website -
Hard copies of the plan will also be available to view in the city’s libraries and FirstPoints from 9 January 2023. Supporting documents can be viewed at our main office, Howden House.
5) Things to consider when making a representation
We are asking for people to consider two specific questions when making representations on the plan:
1) Is the plan legally compliant?
Does the plan comply with the relevant legislation and regulations in the way it has been prepared, and in its content?
2) Is the plan ‘sound’?
Has the plan been ‘positively prepared?’ Is it robustly justified and evidence-led? Will it be effective in what it sets out to achieve? And is it consistent with regional and national planning policy?
If you would like to be heard at the independent examination in public, please tell us in your representation. Please double check that the contact details you include with your representation are correct so we can contact you regarding this.
6) How to submit your representation:
Online through our consultation hub webpage:
By Email at
By post at
Strategic Planning Team
Planning Service
City Futures
4th Floor, Howden House
Union Street
S1 2SH
Please note: all comments will be made public and will be submitted to the Secretary of State. We will not consider confidential or anonymous responses. Your comments and name will be published but other personal information will remain confidential.
7) Notification of next stages
The next stages of the Plan are:-
- the submission of the local plan for independent examination under section 20 of the Act,
- the publication of the recommendations of the person appointed to carry out an independent examination of the local plan under section 20 of the Act, and
- the adoption of the local plan.
If you wish to be contacted about any of these stages, please tell us in your representation when and how you would like to be contacted.
8) Contact for more information:
Please contact the Strategic Planning team using the contact details above, or by calling (0114) 273 5274
Consultation has concluded