Draft Local Plan
Consultation has concluded
We expect a summary report of the consultation outcomes and any proposed amendments to the Publication Draft Plan, in response to representations, to be reported the Strategy & Resources Policy Committee in July 2023. These would then be considered by full Council in September before being submitted to the Government alongside the Publication Draft Plan later that month. We would like to thank everyone for their contributions.
We are working on a new Draft Local Plan (The Sheffield Plan) which will guide the future of the city by setting out how and where development will take place up to 2039.
We previously consulted on an Issues and Options document ("Sheffield Plan: Our City, Our Future - Issues and Options 2020" in September/October 2020). We have now progressed the Sheffield Plan to the next formal stage known as Regulation 19 (Publication). The Regulation 19 Draft Sheffield Plan is the document that will be submitted to central government for examination in public. It is the version that we seek to adopt, subject to that examination, as the future framework for decision making on planning.
The Publication Draft Sheffield Plan is made up of the following documents:
- Part 1: Vision, Spatial Strategy, Sub-Area Policies and Site Allocations
- Part 2: Development Management Policies and Implementation
- Annex A: Site Allocations
- Annex B: Parking Guidelines
- Key Diagram
- Policies Map
- Glossary
All these documents plus supporting documents are available under the "Draft Sheffield Plan and "Supporting Documents" sections on the right hand side of this page.
If you have any queries regarding this consultation, you can contact us by email at: sheffieldplan@sheffield.gov.uk
We expect a summary report of the consultation outcomes and any proposed amendments to the Publication Draft Plan, in response to representations, to be reported the Strategy & Resources Policy Committee in July 2023. These would then be considered by full Council in September before being submitted to the Government alongside the Publication Draft Plan later that month. We would like to thank everyone for their contributions.
We are working on a new Draft Local Plan (The Sheffield Plan) which will guide the future of the city by setting out how and where development will take place up to 2039.
We previously consulted on an Issues and Options document ("Sheffield Plan: Our City, Our Future - Issues and Options 2020" in September/October 2020). We have now progressed the Sheffield Plan to the next formal stage known as Regulation 19 (Publication). The Regulation 19 Draft Sheffield Plan is the document that will be submitted to central government for examination in public. It is the version that we seek to adopt, subject to that examination, as the future framework for decision making on planning.
The Publication Draft Sheffield Plan is made up of the following documents:
- Part 1: Vision, Spatial Strategy, Sub-Area Policies and Site Allocations
- Part 2: Development Management Policies and Implementation
- Annex A: Site Allocations
- Annex B: Parking Guidelines
- Key Diagram
- Policies Map
- Glossary
All these documents plus supporting documents are available under the "Draft Sheffield Plan and "Supporting Documents" sections on the right hand side of this page.
If you have any queries regarding this consultation, you can contact us by email at: sheffieldplan@sheffield.gov.uk
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Share Publication Draft Sheffield Plan representation on Facebook Share Publication Draft Sheffield Plan representation on Twitter Share Publication Draft Sheffield Plan representation on Linkedin Email Publication Draft Sheffield Plan representation link
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Draft Sheffield Plan Documents
Part 1: Vision, Spatial Strategy, Sub-Area Policies and Site Allocations (24.9 MB) (pdf)
Part 2: Development Management Policies and Implementation (23.5 MB) (pdf)
Annex A: Site Allocations (2.17 MB) (pdf)
Annex B: Parking Guidelines (292 KB) (pdf)
Key Diagram (2.78 MB) (jpg)
Policies Map (interactive map)
Glossary (1.25 MB) (pdf)
Integrated Impact Assessment (9.91 MB) (pdf)
Habitat Regulations Assessment (23.3 MB) (pdf)
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents
Regulation 19 Consultation Form (34.5 KB) (docx)
Sheffield Plan Issues and Options document (2020)
Sheffield Plan: Draft List of Policy Themes and Outline of Issues to be covered (2020)
Sheffield Plan Issues and Options Interim Consultation Report (2021)
Sheffield Plan Issues and Options Consultation Report (368 KB) (pdf)
Sheffield Plan Integrated Impact Assessment - Scoping Report (2020)
Sheffield Plan Interim Integrated Impact Assessment - Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Issues and Options Report – Main Report (2020)
Joint Sheffield City Region Statement of Common Ground (2019) (2.19 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Plan Duty to Cooperate Statement (2020)
Duty to Cooperate Position Statement December (2022) (544 KB) (pdf)
Authority Monitoring Report (2023) (432 KB) (pdf)
Site Selection Methodology (2023) (1.97 MB) (pdf)
South Yorkshire Waste Needs Assesment Evidence Base (2022)
Supporting Documents - Whole Plan Viability Assessment
Supporting Documents - Economy, Employment Land, Retail and Logistics
Sheffield City Region Strategic Economic Plan (2015-2025)
Sheffield City Region Strategic Economic Plan (2021-2041)
Sheffield & Rotherham Joint Employment Land Review (2015)
Sheffield & Rotherham Joint Employment Land Review (2015) Maps (10.1 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Employment Land Review (2020)
Employment Land Review Update for Sheffield (2021)
Sheffield & Rotherham Joint Retail & Leisure Study (2017)
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 1 - Study Area Plan
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 2 - Table 1 to 3l Population and Expenditure
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 2 - Table 4 to 5e Convenience Market Shares Turnovers
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 2 - Table 6 Comparison Market Shares
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 2 - Table 7a to 7e Comparison Turnovers
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 2 - Table 8a to 13 Benchmarks, Commitments, Capacities
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 3 - Sheffield Retail Quarter Site Location Plan
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 4 - City and District Centre Boundaries
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 5 - Town Centre boundaries in Rotherham
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 6 - Land use comparison schedule
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 7 - City Centre and Meadowhall comparison goods market share analysis (PDF, 126.8KB)
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 8 - Plans
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 9 - Quantitative Needs Assessment Table (100k Population)
Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Retail and Leisure Study (2017) Appendix 10 - Recommended District Centre Boundaries
Sheffield Retail and Leisure Study (2022) (759 KB) (pdf)
Sheffield Retail and Leisure Study (2022) - Appendix 1 – Study Area Plan.pdf (3.74 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Retail and Leisure Study (2022) - Appendix 2 – Household Survey Results.pdf (4.62 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Retail and Leisure Study (2022) - Appendix 3 – Sheffield City Centre Healthcheck.pdf (2.61 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Retail and Leisure Study (2022) - Appendix 4 – District Centre Healthchecks.pdf (7.3 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Retail and Leisure Study (2022) - Appendix 5 – City and District Centre Plan.pdf (502 KB) (pdf)
Sheffield Retail and Leisure Study (2022) - Appendix 6 – Quantitative Capacity Assessment.pdf (27.1 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Retail and Leisure Study (2022) - Appendix 7 – Recommended City Centre boundaries.pdf (4.84 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Logistics Study (2022) (2.5 MB) (pdf)
Supporting Documents - Housing
Sheffield Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (2022) (1.51 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (2022) Sites Schedule (309 KB) (xlsx)
5 year housing land supply report (2022) (811 KB) (pdf)
Sheffield Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (2020)
Sheffield & Rotherham Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2019)
Housing, Economic Growth and Demographic Modelling Report (2021) (548 KB) (pdf)
Housing, Economic Growth and Demographic Modelling Report (2021) - Appendix 1 (53.8 KB) (xlsx)
Purpose-Built Student Accommodation Market Study (2021)
Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Assessment (2019)
Supporting Documents - Transport
Supporting Documents - Central Area and City Centre
Supporting Documents - Heritage and Archaeology
Supporting Documents - Open Spaces, Playing Field Sites
Sheffield Playing Pitch Strategy - Strategy and Action Plan 2022 (2.29 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment (2022) Main Report (8.81 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment Consultation Report (1.12 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment - Chapeltown and Ecclesfield Area Profile (2.91 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment - City Centre Area Profile (3.86 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment - East Area Profile (4.05 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment -Manor Arbourthorne Gleadless Area Profile (3.68 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment - North East Area Profile (4.25 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment - North West Area Profile (3.42 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment - Peak District Fringe Area Profile (2.34 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment - Rural Upper Don Valley Area Profile (2.61 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment - South Area Profile (3.81 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment - South East Area Profile (3.75 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment - South West Area Profile (3.11 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment - Stocksbridge and Deepcar Area Profile (3.05 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Open Spaces Assessment - Urban West Area Profile (3.94 MB) (pdf)
Supporting Documents - Green Belt and Landscape Character
Proposed Sheffield City Region Combined Green Belt Review – A Common Approach – (2014)
Green Belt Review (2020)
Green Belt Review Addendum (2022) (552 KB) (pdf)
Sheffield Green Belt Review: Archaeology Scoping Study (2015) (25.2 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Preliminary Landscape Character Assessment (2015)
Landscape Character and Green Belt Capacity Study (2018) (13.1 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Landscape Character Assessment and Addendum (2.55 MB) (pdf)
Supporting Documents - Flood risk
Sheffield Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2023) (3.22 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Level 1 SFRA - Appendix A (2.1 MB) (docx)
Sheffield Level 1 SFRA - Appendix B Overview (954 KB) (pdf)
Sheffield Level 1 SFRA - Appendix B Index Map 1 (1.77 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Level 1 SFRA - Appendix B Index Map 2 (2.36 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Level 1 SFRA - Appendix B Index Map 3 (2 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Level 1 SFRA - Appendix B Index Map 4 (2.35 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Level 1 SFRA - Appendix B Detailed Maps (40.8 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Level 1 SFRA - Appendix C Site Assessment Spreadsheet (471 KB) (xlsx)
Sheffield Level 1 SFRA - Appendix D Functional Floodplain (310 KB) (docx)
Sheffield Level 1 SFRA - Appendix E (884 KB) (docx)
Sheffield Level 1 SFRA - Appendix F (10.7 MB) (pdf)
Sheffield Level 1 SFRA - Appendix G User Guide (1.86 MB) (docx)
Supporting Documents - Infrastructure
Supporting Documents - Policies Map
Central Sub Area (14.2 MB) (pdf)
Chapeltown and High Green Sub Area (20 MB) (pdf)
East Sheffield Sub Area (14.2 MB) (pdf)
North East Sheffield Sub Area (15.2 MB) (pdf)
North West Sheffield Sub Area (12 MB) (pdf)
South East Sheffield Sub Area (16.4 MB) (pdf)
South Sheffield Sub Area (16.9 MB) (pdf)
South West Sheffield Sub Area (15.2 MB) (pdf)
Stocksbridge Deepcar Sub Area (21.9 MB) (pdf)
Key Dates
09 January 2023
09 January 2023
10 January 2023
11 January 2023
12 January 2023
16 January 2023
17 January 2023
18 January 2023
21 January 2023
25 January 2023
26 January 2023
01 February 2023
02 February 2023
06 February 2023
20 February 2023