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Culture Strategy Survey

We are excited to continue the conversation around a new strategy for Sheffield’s cultural and creative sectors with this survey.

Our work so far has involved research on existing spaces, organisations, and programmes across the culture, creative, and community sectors and beyond. 

We have also brought together hundreds of creatives through our engagement programme over the past few months. This has involved individual artists and freelancers, small and large creative and community organisations, and the city’s major institutions among others. This is not a Sheffield City Council strategy, but a sector for the city and its valuable creative and cultural sectors. It can only work if it is co-created and gets broad buy-in.

The messages we have been hearing through this engagement have informed this survey, including the draft Creative Missions that you will see within it.

These missions respond to the huge opportunities for Sheffield’s growth in the future, as well as some of the major challenges faced by the sector today.

Please let us know how you feel about them, alongside responses to our other questions - this is an important opportunity to get involved.. We’d love to hear your thoughts, and expect the missions to evolve in response to feedback.

The responses we receive will help us to finalise a draft strategy over the coming months, that will get into more detail on the precise actions needed to deliver on these missions.

We look forward to hearing from you.