Introducing our Steering Group and Project Team

We are extremely lucky to have been able to bring together an incredibly talented Steering Group and Project Team to deliver this work. Alongside Fourth Street and Opus Independents, our project team includes experienced and skilled creative practitioners based in Sheffield:

  • Kate Brindley, appointed by SCC to lead the delivery of the Cultural Strategy as part of her role as a Cultural Development Consultant. Until July last year Kate worked for over 2 years with SYMCA as Project Director for Arts, Culture and Heritage where she led the work to position culture at the heart of the region’s investment priorities
  • Ruth Nutter is a creative producer and community engagement practitioner, with expertise in creative health and community engagement.
  • Ola Fagbohun is a health and wellness coach/facilitator and behavioural insight researcher, who runs an organisation called Zest OF: You.
  • Rachael Walton is a director, writer, actor, and creative educator who founded and led Third Angel, an internationally renowned performance company, for 28 years.

The commission has been funded by Sheffield City Council, the University of Sheffield, and Arts Council England, and is being supported by the Culture Collective and Culture Consortium.

As part of our initial stage of work, we have established a Task and Finish Group composed of representatives of the cultural sector in Sheffield. This group includes a range of individuals from small and large cultural, community, and educational organisations, as well as creative freelancers and practitioners. This group will support the project team, hold them to account, and help to distil findings and priorities from our research and engagement.

The Task and Finish Group is composed of the following people:

  • Tom Bird, Sheffield Theatres
  • Linda Bloomfield, RivelinCo
  • Laura Clarke, Arts Catalyst and Sheffield Culture Consortium
  • Karen Durham, Arts Council England
  • Surriya Falconer, Sheffield Culture Collective
  • Sonia Gayle, African Heritage Culture Forum and Sheffield Culture Consortium
  • James Green, artist/musician and Visual Art Panel
  • Amina Haruna, DJ, director of Mondo Radio and the founder of Calabash!
  • Claire Mappin, Burton Street Project
  • Liam O’Shea, No Bounds and Hope Works
  • Desiree Reynolds, writer/producer and led for Dig Where you Stand.
  • Terezia Rostas, Welcoming Cultures
  • Debbie Squire, Sheffield Hallam University
  • Kim Streets, Sheffield Museums
  • Professor Vanessa Toulmin, University of Sheffield

We are so grateful to all of them for their time, energy, and brilliant ideas!

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