Adult Care and Wellbeing Self-Assessment

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The Health and Care Act 2022 gave the Care Quality Commission (CQC) new powers to provide a meaningful and independent assessment of care at a local authority and integrated care system level. These assessments will enable CQC to start to understand the quality of care in a local area or system and provide independent assurance to the public in that area. This is the first time Adult Social Care has been assessed in terms of practice and quality at whole-service level.

To prepare for the CQC assessment, we need to develop a self-assessment report which outlines our strengths and areas for improvement including the actions we are taking to address these and their impact.

The CQC Self-Assessment is structured around the themes CQC will use to assess our delivery upon the Care Act 2014 duties and aligned Director of Adult Social Services (DASS) duties.: These themes are:

  • Working with People - This theme covers: assessing needs, planning, and reviewing care, arrangements for direct payments and charging, supporting people to live healthier lives, prevention, wellbeing and information and advice. It also covers understanding and removing inequalities in care and support, people’s experiences, and outcomes from care.
  • Providing Support - This theme covers market shaping, commissioning, workforce capacity and capability, integration, and partnership working.
  • Ensuring Safety - This theme covers Section 42 safeguarding enquiries, reviews, safe systems, and continuity of care.
  • Leadership – This theme covers strategic planning, learning, improvement, innovation, governance, management, and sustainability.

Following 12 months of development and scoping work, including active engagement and co-production, our self-assessment for the CQC assessment of Adult Social Care in Sheffield is now in its final stages as a draft for consultation.

An essential part of the consultation process is to ensure it is a document which reflects and resonates with the experiences of all. To ensure this we really want to hear your views and experiences so that these are reflected in the self-assessment, alongside the views of partners and our workforce.

The outcomes of the self-assessment will inform the update and development of our strategic and operational priorities for the next 2 years.

We look forward to, and welcome all feedback on the self-assessment.

The Health and Care Act 2022 gave the Care Quality Commission (CQC) new powers to provide a meaningful and independent assessment of care at a local authority and integrated care system level. These assessments will enable CQC to start to understand the quality of care in a local area or system and provide independent assurance to the public in that area. This is the first time Adult Social Care has been assessed in terms of practice and quality at whole-service level.

To prepare for the CQC assessment, we need to develop a self-assessment report which outlines our strengths and areas for improvement including the actions we are taking to address these and their impact.

The CQC Self-Assessment is structured around the themes CQC will use to assess our delivery upon the Care Act 2014 duties and aligned Director of Adult Social Services (DASS) duties.: These themes are:

  • Working with People - This theme covers: assessing needs, planning, and reviewing care, arrangements for direct payments and charging, supporting people to live healthier lives, prevention, wellbeing and information and advice. It also covers understanding and removing inequalities in care and support, people’s experiences, and outcomes from care.
  • Providing Support - This theme covers market shaping, commissioning, workforce capacity and capability, integration, and partnership working.
  • Ensuring Safety - This theme covers Section 42 safeguarding enquiries, reviews, safe systems, and continuity of care.
  • Leadership – This theme covers strategic planning, learning, improvement, innovation, governance, management, and sustainability.

Following 12 months of development and scoping work, including active engagement and co-production, our self-assessment for the CQC assessment of Adult Social Care in Sheffield is now in its final stages as a draft for consultation.

An essential part of the consultation process is to ensure it is a document which reflects and resonates with the experiences of all. To ensure this we really want to hear your views and experiences so that these are reflected in the self-assessment, alongside the views of partners and our workforce.

The outcomes of the self-assessment will inform the update and development of our strategic and operational priorities for the next 2 years.

We look forward to, and welcome all feedback on the self-assessment.

Page last updated: 07 Feb 2025, 03:52 PM