Connecting Sheffield: A61 Chesterfield Road

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Sheffield City Council is proposing changes on and around A61 Chesterfield Road that will improve bus journeys, tackle congestion and enhance facilities for cyclists and pedestrians.

We would like to hear your views on these proposals which include a range of measures between Meadowhead roundabout and Broadfield Road, Heeley.

On this page you will find a project brochure, copies of our exhibition boards and a feedback form for you to share your views.

Why do we need to make changes?

Frequent congestion at key sections of the A61, particularly around Meadowhead and Woodseats, results in significant delays to bus journeys. This makes buses a less attractive option for many.

Another issue is the quality of bus stops and shelters along the route, which would benefit from an upgrade and the addition of new technology.

The safety of pedestrians and cyclists using the route is something else which we are keen to improve.

And by tackling high levels of congestion, we can also raise the air quality for the benefit of everyone living, working or travelling in the area.

What changes are proposed?

We will introduce a range of measures to improve bus journeys along the A61 corridor between Meadowhead roundabout and Broadfield Road in Heeley.

We plan to:

  • Improve crossings for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Infill the Meadowhead roundabout subway and add a surface-level controlled crossing
  • Relocate bus stops to improve access
  • Modernise traffic signals to give buses priority
  • Extend bus lanes and modify their operating hours
  • Upgrade bus stops to include shelters and real-time service information
  • Introduce traffic management measures in Woodseats to reduce congestion
  • Improve cycle connections from Woodseats to the Sheaf Valley Cycle Route

What benefits will the changes bring?

Our proposals aim to:

  • Make sustainable forms of transport, such as buses, walking and cycling, more attractive
  • Improve reliability and the overall experience of bus travel
  • Tackle congestion in the area
  • Reduce air and noise pollution
  • Improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists

Sheffield City Council is proposing changes on and around A61 Chesterfield Road that will improve bus journeys, tackle congestion and enhance facilities for cyclists and pedestrians.

We would like to hear your views on these proposals which include a range of measures between Meadowhead roundabout and Broadfield Road, Heeley.

On this page you will find a project brochure, copies of our exhibition boards and a feedback form for you to share your views.

Why do we need to make changes?

Frequent congestion at key sections of the A61, particularly around Meadowhead and Woodseats, results in significant delays to bus journeys. This makes buses a less attractive option for many.

Another issue is the quality of bus stops and shelters along the route, which would benefit from an upgrade and the addition of new technology.

The safety of pedestrians and cyclists using the route is something else which we are keen to improve.

And by tackling high levels of congestion, we can also raise the air quality for the benefit of everyone living, working or travelling in the area.

What changes are proposed?

We will introduce a range of measures to improve bus journeys along the A61 corridor between Meadowhead roundabout and Broadfield Road in Heeley.

We plan to:

  • Improve crossings for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Infill the Meadowhead roundabout subway and add a surface-level controlled crossing
  • Relocate bus stops to improve access
  • Modernise traffic signals to give buses priority
  • Extend bus lanes and modify their operating hours
  • Upgrade bus stops to include shelters and real-time service information
  • Introduce traffic management measures in Woodseats to reduce congestion
  • Improve cycle connections from Woodseats to the Sheaf Valley Cycle Route

What benefits will the changes bring?

Our proposals aim to:

  • Make sustainable forms of transport, such as buses, walking and cycling, more attractive
  • Improve reliability and the overall experience of bus travel
  • Tackle congestion in the area
  • Reduce air and noise pollution
  • Improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists
  • A61 Chesterfield Road consultation update

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    We have produced a leaflet which provides a full update on the A61 Chesterfield Rd scheme following the public consultation. This leaflet can be found on the right-hand side of the screen under documents. Physical copies of the leaflet are available for reading in Greenhill and Woodseats libraries for those that struggle with reading information online.

    Earlier this year we invited feedback on the Connecting Sheffield: A61 Chesterfield Road scheme. Consultation ran initially from 9 September to 4 October, 2024 and was extended until 25 October on the request of councillors. Three public drop-in events were held at which attendees were invited to complete a feedback form.


    • The Herd café and bar, Woodseats, on 16 September, which was attended by 268 people
    • Sheffield Transport Sports Club, Meadowhead, on 17 September, which was attended by 65 people
    • The King’s Centre, Nether Edge, on 1 October, which was attended by 20 people including members of the Local Area Committee (LAC).

    Feedback forms were also made available online on Sheffield’s Have Your Say platform. A total of 861 people completed a feedback form, of which 112 people completed printed forms and 749 provided feedback online.

    Support for Scheme – a summary

    We asked respondents whether they were in favour of the scheme overall. Of the 843 people who answered the question, 370 (44%) were in favour of the scheme overall while 473 people (56%) were not in favour.

    Feedback for proposals in specific locations can be found in the illustration below.

    Further detail of consultation feedback, including a full breakdown of feedback for individual proposals, is available in the Consultation Report posted on this page.

    Changes to the scheme following the public consultation

    The extensive feedback received during consultation – a total of 861 people completed a form - has provided valuable local insight into how the proposals would work, once implemented, and their impact, both positive and negative, on residents, businesses, commuters, bus users, motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and other users of the A61 Chesterfield Road.

    Every comment, suggestion and concern raised at consultation was read and considered. Following this sift of feedback, we have made an initial decision on each of the proposals presented at consultation. They fall into five group headings:

    1. Proposals to be progressed to detailed design

    2. Proposals to be removed from the scheme

    3. Proposals requiring additional further data collection or liaison with key stakeholders

    4. Proposals that require preliminary design adjustments

    5. Additional proposals identified in the public consultation

    The status of each of the proposals is outlined below.

    Proposals to be progressed

    These elements were well supported by the community and will be progressed without change.



    Bus priority signalling across the route

    This proposal received strong support. These improvements will progress to the detailed design stage.

    Bus stops and shelters across the route

    Feedback showed strong support for upgrades and improvements to bus stops and shelters, including the addition of real-time information boards. These proposals will progress to the detailed design stage.

    Proposals to be removed

    These proposals will be removed from the project and will not be developed further following consultation.



    4a. Chesterfield Rd / Woodseats Rd junction. To remove .30m of parking bays to facilitate right-turning buses

    Significant concerns were raised by the community over the potential negative impacts of reducing parking for local businesses.

    4b. Woodseats (side roads right-turn ban)

    Strong local opposition highlighted the negative traffic displacement effect, accessibility concerns, parking loss and increased congestion on side roads leading to potential road safety issues.

    5/6a/6b/7. Off-road Cycle Path Improvements (five sections throughout Woodseats):

    Feedback showed that these proposals would not result in a cycle route which would meet modern design standards due to gradient, lighting, width and/or natural surveillance, in different sections along the proposed route. Officers will consider alternative approaches to improving cycling on this corridor, but this will be progressed as a separate project when further funding opportunities become available.

    8. Woodseats Rd pedestrian crossing, near junction with Ulverston Road

    Feedback highlighted concerns around removal of parking to facilitate crossing/shared use space. Removal of other cycle elements reduces need for a controlled crossing here.

    Proposals that require minor design adjustments

    All of the proposals below require minor modifications, to determine a final solution. After full consideration, some could prove unfeasible and will not progress as part of the scheme. We have included a summary of the potential changes in the table below.



    Summary of design considerations

    1. Bochum Parkway

    Extend turns into retail park and re-locate crossing

    We are exploring options such as segregated crossings for pedestrians and cyclists and reducing the right turn lane extension to preserve trees.

    2a. Meadowhead roundabout

    Widen lanes

    Design changes under consideration aim to improve safety, tackle illegal vehicle manoeuvres, avoid land-take and maintain pedestrian facilities.

    2b. Meadowhead subway

    Infill subway and add crossing

    We are examining a number of design options focussed on specific crossing location, to improve safety for pedestrians crossing the A61 and to minimise loss of parking provision.

    3. Greenhill Main Road/Greenhill Avenue

    Add signals to junction and give priority to vehicles turning right into Greenhill Avenue.

    Design changes under review seek to enhance safety at the crossing and improve traffic flow.

    9. Chesterfield Road/Tadcaster Way

    Extend hours of bus lanes and revise parking and loading restrictions

    Changes are being considered to maximise bus lane efficiency. Recent discussions with bus operators identified the key period or delay is between 1:00PM to 7PM. Residents highlighted accessibility requirements, usually outside of peak times, being necessary.

    10a/b. Chesterfield Road/Binfield Road

    Add a box junction

    We are considering design changes to enhance pedestrian safety as well as removing the proposed bus layby build out due to safety concerns from residents.

    11. London Road South

    Widen lanes on bridge and add footbridge

    We are considering a number of design changes around the Gleadless Rd junction including extending the bus lane slightly, improving safety for cyclists and reviewing right turn access into Gleadless Rd. Netting to deter pigeons nesting under the railway bridge will also be incorporated into the scheme.

    Additional proposals identified in the public consultation

    We received many suggestions, either changes to those outlined above or new suggestions, which are not deliverable or suitable to progress as part of this project, like new roads and overpasses. This section is focused solely on suggestions that don’t refer to existing interventions. These additional issues were identified in the public consultation and have been categorised based on their design status:

    • Progress to Detailed Design:
      • Congestion along corridor: Additional traffic signal detection at key congestion hotspots along the corridor to allow for smarter signal strategy to reduce congestion and improve crossing response time for pedestrians.
    • Not Progressed to Detailed Design:
      • Crossings at Norton Lane: Out of scope for this project, but noted as a future consideration for improving pedestrian accessibility.
      • Lack of parking in Woodseats: Out of scope of the project but noted as an issue for future funding.

    • Additional Data or Engagement with Key Stakeholders Required:
      • Strategic cycling route linking Woodseats high street to Sheaf Valley Cycle Route: Opportunity to build on interventions already developed to create a strategic cycle route from the A61 Woodseats to the Sheaf Valley Cycle Route. This could include improvements on Archer Rd that would also complement a future onward link to Dore. Internal discussions required within SCC to decide if this is viable through CRSTS funding. This would need to be a separate project to A61 bus improvement scheme as it would be seeking to achieve different strategic objectives.

    • Additional Preliminary Design Required:
      • Scarsdale Rd/Woodseats Rd junction: Explore options to improve crossing facilities here and review signal strategy.
      • Chesterfield Rd/Little London Rd junction: Explore options to improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians at this junction.

    Next steps

    Over the coming weeks, the project team will begin working on those proposals above which have been identified to progress to the detailed design stage. All other proposals will require further data collection, liaison with stakeholders and/or preliminary design work before they progress to that stage.

  • Connecting Sheffield: A61 Chesterfield Road traffic surveys w/c 4-24 November 2024

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    From the 4th-24th November Sheffield City Council will be undertaking traffic surveys for the Connecting Sheffield: A61 Chesterfield in the following locations:

    • A61/Gleadless Rd
    • Woodseats Rd
    • Meadowhead Subway
    • Across the road above Meadowhead Subway where the central barrier ends
    • Across Woodseats Rd
    • Greenhill Main Road crossing
    • Greenhill Avenue crossing

    The surveys will involve the use of video cameras attached to street furniture. These will be taken down following completion of the surveys.

    The data we receive won’t include vehicle registrations or people’s faces, and we’ll remove the cameras when the monitoring is complete. This information will help us measure any changes in traffic when the project is complete.

  • Connecting Sheffield: A61 Chesterfield Road traffic surveys

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    During the week commencing 9 September Sheffield City Council will be undertaking traffic surveys in Bochum Parkway (outside retail park) for the Connecting Sheffield: A61 Chesterfield Road.

    The surveys will involve the use of video cameras attached to street furniture. These will be taken down following completion of the surveys.

    If you’re asked to take part, you can expect the following from interviewers working on behalf of Sheffield City Council:

    • They will be able to present photo ID
    • They will not ask you for any personal information

    We’ll also be doing traffic surveys in the city centre, and we’ll use video cameras attached to street furniture to capture this information. The data we receive won’t include vehicle registrations or people’s faces, and we’ll remove the cameras when the monitoring is complete. This information will help us measure any changes in traffic when the project is complete.

  • Connecting Sheffield: A61 Chesterfield Road latest updates

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    We are speaking to stakeholders to support option development, and we have begun the process of developing the initial designs for the scheme. The next steps after receiving these initial designs will be to move forwards into the modelling phase, to gain a much deeper understanding of how these interventions will benefit the corridor.

    You can view the plans below which outline the current planned interventions along the corridor.

Page last updated: 28 Feb 2025, 06:32 PM