Wincobank Lane Open Space Improvements

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Sheffield City Council's Parks and Countryside Service are planning small scale improvements to Wincobank Lane Open Space in order to raise the overall quality of the site, encourage increased use, and enable more people to access the health and wellbeing benefits of using our parks and greenspaces.

  • Access & boundary security improvements - further securing the site from illegal vehicle usage
  • Site signage & interpretation - creating a welcoming site and increasing awareness of the features and history of the surrounding green space
  • Playground improvements - replacing worn out equipment, adding new items, improving surfacing
  • Path works - increasing accessibility

Sheffield City Council's Parks and Countryside Service are planning small scale improvements to Wincobank Lane Open Space in order to raise the overall quality of the site, encourage increased use, and enable more people to access the health and wellbeing benefits of using our parks and greenspaces.

  • Access & boundary security improvements - further securing the site from illegal vehicle usage
  • Site signage & interpretation - creating a welcoming site and increasing awareness of the features and history of the surrounding green space
  • Playground improvements - replacing worn out equipment, adding new items, improving surfacing
  • Path works - increasing accessibility and routes into, through and around the green space
  • Woodland management - encouraging a more varied and resilient woodland structure and making it more attractive for recreation, landscape and biodiversity. Works include improving sight lines and natural surveillance around the Open Space
  • Tree Planting - planting additional trees in and around the site.

A short survey can be accessed via the link below. The survey provides the opportunity to gather the local community's views and opinions of Wincobank Lane, how the space is currently used, the planned site improvements, and how the site could be improved further in the future.

The survey is open to everyone, and we encourage both users and non-users of the site of all ages and backgrounds to complete the survey.

For more information and history about the wider Wincobank Hill and Hillfort please visit the websites below:

Friends of Wincobank Hill

Wincobank Living History

This project is being funded by the Department for Leveling Up, Homes & Communities' Leveling Up Parks Fund

Page last updated: 29 May 2024, 02:41 PM