Have Your Say - Sheffield Street Tree Consultations
Conditional fells - changes to consultation process
Street trees that are deemed dangerous, diseased or dead will now be subject to at least a seven-day notification period so they can be removed as a matter of urgency.
Recent storm events and diseases such as Ash Dieback means a more urgent approach to addressing these trees was needed.
Previously, street trees deemed to be dangerous, diseased or dead, were subject to a three-week consultation period but following discussions with the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership (SSTP) that time-frame has now been reduced.
Under the new process, SSTP will be promptly notified of each street tree identified for removal and each tree will be visibly marked with a notice at least seven days prior to it being removed, giving residents the opportunity to voice any opinions.
All feedback received from residents will be considered by the Council with the SSTP being informed before any final decision is made.
This brings the consultation process for replacement of trees in Sheffield in line with the Environment Act 2021.
Each tree removed will continue to be replaced by Streets Ahead and any trees that are recommended for felling due to damage to infrastructure, or for reasons other than dangerous, diseased or dead, will still be subject to the current three-week consultation process.
If a street tree is determined as immediately dangerous to life and/or property, Amey will attend and make the tree safe. In this situation, there is no consultation and Amey does not need the approval of the Council prior to removal.
You can find out more about the decision process for Sheffield’s street trees in the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership Working Strategy which is attached to this page.
To report concerns about trees that may be dead, diseased or dying email streetsahead@sheffield.gov.uk(External link) or by https://forms.sheffield.gov.uk/form/auto/report_tree(External link)
The results of the consultations that have taken place on this platform have been published on the map under the title Public Consultation on Street Trees at the following link: Managing and looking after street trees | Sheffield City Council(External link)