Full name
Maximum 255 characters
Email address
Are there any other members of the school Careers Team? - If so please provide names and email addresses
SENDCo name
SENDCo email address
What would you most welcome support with in 2023/24 (Tick all that apply)
What careers platform do you use?
Is the Skills Builder Framework used in your school?
How is your 1-2-1 student personal careers guidance provided?
Is work experience being offered to students in 2023/24
What work experience platform are you using?
Are you planning on holding a careers fair in 2023/24 for your students?
Are you happy for your email address to be shared with post-16 and training organisiations for the purpose of PAL?
The BiG Community Challenge is our youth led social action project that will be launched later this term.
To ensure communications are sent to the relevant member of staff, could you please provide an email address for the PSHE lead / School Council lead / most relevant individual