LLS Staff Workforce Survey 2024
The FE and Skills sector in England are using FE Workforce Data Collection to collect data about staff and recruitment in the sector. This will bring knowledge of the workforce in FE on a par with that of schools and higher education.
Please complete this form with your information for the Academic Year 2023/24.
NB: Please ignore the number in brackets after each possible response - these are to assist with data entry.
Use of the Not known answer - ‘Not known’ answer options are available for some questions within the collection. This should only be utilised where a provider is unable to collect the data, e.g., the member of staff left during the academic year that the data is being collected for. The use of ‘not known’ answers by providers will be monitored and would only be expected to be used in a minority of cases.
Thank you for your co-operation.
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