Quality Surveys 2023 24

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Collecting information to support Quality Assurance activities and improvement.

Collecting information to support Quality Assurance activities and improvement.

  • We want to hear what you think of our service as part of our ongoing quality improvement.  

    Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and give us your views.  

    Thank you.

    Privacy Notice (How We Use Your Personal Information)

    This privacy notice is issued by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Education (DfE) to inform learners about the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and how their personal information is used in the ILR. Your personal information is used by the DfE to exercise our functions under article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR and to meet our statutory responsibilities, including under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009.

    The ILR collects data about learners and learning undertaken. Publicly funded colleges, training organisations, local authorities, and employers (FE providers) must collect and return the data to the ESFA each year under the terms of a funding agreement, contract or grant agreement. It helps ensure that public money distributed through the ESFA is being spent in line with government targets. It is also used for education, training, employment, and wellbeing purposes, including research. We retain ILR learner data for 3 years for operational purposes and 66 years for research purposes. For more information about the ILR and the data collected, please see the ILR specification at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/individualised-learner-record-ilr.

    ILR data is shared with third parties where it complies with DfE data sharing procedures and where the law allows it. The DfE and the English European Social Fund (ESF) Managing Authority (or agents acting on their behalf) may contact learners to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training.

    For more information about how your personal data is used and your individual rights, please see the DfE Personal Information Charter (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-education/about/personal-information-charter) and the ESFA Privacy Notice (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/esfa-privacy-notice).

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  • NB: This form is not applicable for workshop ILPs

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  • Please complete this form using the Summative Feedback 'Start Point' and 'End Point' information in the learner ILP (page 24 of 25).

    Thank you.

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  • Thank you for taking the time to let us know what you thought of your course.  This short survey will only take a minute or two to complete and your responses will help us to continue to improve what we do.

    Privacy Notice (How We Use Your Personal Information)

    This privacy notice is issued by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Education (DfE) to inform learners about the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and how their personal information is used in the ILR. Your personal information is used by the DfE to exercise our functions under article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR and to meet our statutory responsibilities, including under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009. Our lawful basis for using your special category personal data is covered under Substantial Public Interest based in law (Article 9(2)(g)) of GDPR legislation. This processing is under Section 54 of the Further and Higher Education Act (1992).

    The ILR collects data about learners and learning undertaken. Publicly funded colleges, training organisations, local authorities, and employers (FE providers) must collect and return the data to the ESFA each year under the terms of a funding agreement, contract or grant agreement. It helps ensure that public money distributed through the ESFA is being spent in line with government targets. It is also used for education, training, employment, and well-being purposes, including research.

    We retain your ILR learner data for 20 years for operational purposes (e.g. to fund your learning and to publish official statistics). Your personal data is then retained in our research databases until you are aged 80 years so that it can be used for long-term research purposes. For more information about the ILR and the data collected, please see the ILR specification at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/individualised-learner-record-ilr

    ILR data is shared with third parties where it complies with DfE data sharing procedures and where the law allows it. The DfE and the English European Social Fund (ESF) Managing Authority (or agents acting on their behalf) may contact learners to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training.

    For more information about how your personal data is used and your individual rights, please see the DfE Personal Information Charter (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-education/about/personal-information-charter) and the DfE Privacy Notice (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/privacy-notice-for-key-stage-5-and-adult-education).

    If you would like to get in touch with us or request a copy of the personal information DfE holds about you, you can contact the DfE in the following ways:

    If you are unhappy with how we have used your personal data, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at: -

    Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. You can also call their helpline on 0303 123 1113 or visit https://www.ico.org.uk

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  • NB: Some questions are not applicable for Workshop ILPs.  

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  • Dear Students

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey.  

    Your feedback is extremely important to us.  The information you give us will help us make Sheaf Training better for students.

    Privacy Notice (How We Use Your Personal Information) 

    This privacy notice is issued by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Education (DfE) to inform learners about the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and how their personal information is used in the ILR. Your personal information is used by the DfE to exercise our functions under article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR and to meet our statutory responsibilities, including under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009. 

    The ILR collects data about learners and learning undertaken. Publicly funded colleges, training organisations, local authorities, and employers (FE providers) must collect and return the data to the ESFA each year under the terms of a funding agreement, contract or grant agreement. It helps ensure that public money distributed through the ESFA is being spent in line with government targets. It is also used for education, training, employment, and wellbeing purposes, including research. We retain ILR learner data for 3 years for operational purposes and 66 years for research purposes. For more information about the ILR and the data collected, please see the ILR specification at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/individualised-learner-record-ilr. 

    ILR data is shared with third parties where it complies with DfE data sharing procedures and where the law allows it. The DfE and the English European Social Fund (ESF) Managing Authority (or agents acting on their behalf) may contact learners to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training. 

    For more information about how your personal data is used and your individual rights, please see the DfE Personal Information Charter (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-education/about/personal-information-charterand the ESFA Privacy Notice (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/esfa-privacy-notice). 

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  • Hi, and thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey.  Your feedback is collected twice a year, in November and June.  The comments you make are extremely important to us and information we collect will help us to continue to improve our service.

    Ofsted Report May 2023

    Provision for learners with high needs - Outstanding 

    "Learners with high needs follow highly effective personalised programmes. They receive helpful support that enables them to progress to supported internships, employment or further study.  

    Learners receive the correct level of personal and medical care as outlined in their EHC plan. They access a range of support services and benefits from onsite therapists who provide support for individual needs around mental health and well-being. Learners with high needs develop detailed knowledge across the curriculum and, as a result, make sustained progress from their identified started points."

    Privacy Notice (How we use your personal information)

    This privacy notice is issued by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Education (DfE) to inform learners about the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and how their personal information is used in the ILR. Your personal information is used by the DfE to exercise our functions under article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR and to meet our statutory responsibilities, including under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009. 

    The ILR collects data about learners and learning undertaken. Publicly funded colleges, training organisations, local authorities, and employers (FE providers) must collect and return the data to the ESFA each year under the terms of a funding agreement, contract or grant agreement. It helps ensure that public money distributed through the ESFA is being spent in line with government targets. It is also used for education, training, employment, and wellbeing purposes, including research. We retain ILR learner data for 3 years for operational purposes and 66 years for research purposes. For more information about the ILR and the data collected, please see the ILR specification at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/individualised-learner-record-ilr. 

    ILR data is shared with third parties where it complies with DfE data sharing procedures and where the law allows it. The DfE and the English European Social Fund (ESF) Managing Authority (or agents acting on their behalf) may contact learners to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training. 

    For more information about how your personal data is used and your individual rights, please see the DfE Personal Information Charter (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-education/about/personal-information-charter) and the ESFA Privacy Notice (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/esfa-privacy-notice). 

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  • Hi, and thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey.  Your feedback is collected twice a year, in November and June.  The comments you make are extremely important to us and information we collect will help us to continue to improve our service.

    Ofsted Report May 2023

    Provision for learners with high needs - Outstanding 

    "Learners with high needs follow highly effective personalised programmes. They receive helpful support that enables them to progress to supported internships, employment or further study.  

    Learners receive the correct level of personal and medical care as outlined in their EHC plan. They access a range of support services and benefits from onsite therapists who provide support for individual needs around mental health and well-being. Learners with high needs develop detailed knowledge across the curriculum and, as a result, make sustained progress from their identified started points."

    Privacy Notice (How we use your personal information)

    This privacy notice is issued by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Education (DfE) to inform learners about the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and how their personal information is used in the ILR. Your personal information is used by the DfE to exercise our functions under article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR and to meet our statutory responsibilities, including under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009. 

    The ILR collects data about learners and learning undertaken. Publicly funded colleges, training organisations, local authorities, and employers (FE providers) must collect and return the data to the ESFA each year under the terms of a funding agreement, contract or grant agreement. It helps ensure that public money distributed through the ESFA is being spent in line with government targets. It is also used for education, training, employment, and wellbeing purposes, including research. We retain ILR learner data for 3 years for operational purposes and 66 years for research purposes. For more information about the ILR and the data collected, please see the ILR specification at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/individualised-learner-record-ilr. 

    ILR data is shared with third parties where it complies with DfE data sharing procedures and where the law allows it. The DfE and the English European Social Fund (ESF) Managing Authority (or agents acting on their behalf) may contact learners to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training. 

    For more information about how your personal data is used and your individual rights, please see the DfE Personal Information Charter (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-education/about/personal-information-charter) and the ESFA Privacy Notice (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/esfa-privacy-notice). 

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  • Hi, and thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey.  Your feedback is collected twice a year.  The comments you make are extremely important to us and information we collect will help us to continue to improve our service to you.

    Privacy Notice (How we use your personal information)

    This privacy notice is issued by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Education (DfE) to inform learners about the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and how their personal information is used in the ILR. Your personal information is used by the DfE to exercise our functions under article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR and to meet our statutory responsibilities, including under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009. 

    The ILR collects data about learners and learning undertaken. Publicly funded colleges, training organisations, local authorities, and employers (FE providers) must collect and return the data to the ESFA each year under the terms of a funding agreement, contract or grant agreement. It helps ensure that public money distributed through the ESFA is being spent in line with government targets. It is also used for education, training, employment, and wellbeing purposes, including research. We retain ILR learner data for 3 years for operational purposes and 66 years for research purposes. For more information about the ILR and the data collected, please see the ILR specification at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/individualised-learner-record-ilr. 

    ILR data is shared with third parties where it complies with DfE data sharing procedures and where the law allows it. The DfE and the English European Social Fund (ESF) Managing Authority (or agents acting on their behalf) may contact learners to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training. 

    For more information about how your personal data is used and your individual rights, please see the DfE Personal Information Charter (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-education/about/personal-information-charter) and the ESFA Privacy Notice (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/esfa-privacy-notice). 

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  • Hi, and thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey.  Your feedback is collected twice a year.  The comments you make are extremely important to us and information we collect will help us to continue to improve our service to you.

    Privacy Notice (How we use your personal information)

    This privacy notice is issued by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Education (DfE) to inform learners about the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and how their personal information is used in the ILR. Your personal information is used by the DfE to exercise our functions under article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR and to meet our statutory responsibilities, including under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009. 

    The ILR collects data about learners and learning undertaken. Publicly funded colleges, training organisations, local authorities, and employers (FE providers) must collect and return the data to the ESFA each year under the terms of a funding agreement, contract or grant agreement. It helps ensure that public money distributed through the ESFA is being spent in line with government targets. It is also used for education, training, employment, and wellbeing purposes, including research. We retain ILR learner data for 3 years for operational purposes and 66 years for research purposes. For more information about the ILR and the data collected, please see the ILR specification at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/individualised-learner-record-ilr. 

    ILR data is shared with third parties where it complies with DfE data sharing procedures and where the law allows it. The DfE and the English European Social Fund (ESF) Managing Authority (or agents acting on their behalf) may contact learners to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training. 

    For more information about how your personal data is used and your individual rights, please see the DfE Personal Information Charter (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-education/about/personal-information-charter) and the ESFA Privacy Notice (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/esfa-privacy-notice). 

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  • The Family, Adult & Community Education Service (FACES) within Sheffield City Council delivers first steps learning and skills programmes to adults (aged 19+) across the city.  We want these activities to develop a love of learning, address a skills need and encourage progression into further or higher levels of learning and/or employment.  There is also significant evidence showing that learners taking part in Adult Learning classes improve their mental health, confidence and wellbeing.

    As a service, we are always looking to improve, and one of the ways we do this is by consulting with learners who are either on an Adult Learning programme, or are thinking about developing their learning and skills.  We would therefore really like to hear your views and hope you can help by answering this very short survey.  

    The deadline for completion of this survey is 19th April 2024.  It will only take you a couple of minutes to complete - thank you!

    Privacy Notice (How We Use Your Personal Information)

    This privacy notice is issued by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Education (DfE) to inform learners about the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and how their personal information is used in the ILR. Your personal information is used by the DfE to exercise our functions under article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR and to meet our statutory responsibilities, including under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009. Our lawful basis for using your special category personal data is covered under Substantial Public Interest based in law (Article 9(2)(g)) of GDPR legislation. This processing is under Section 54 of the Further and Higher Education Act (1992).

    The ILR collects data about learners and learning undertaken. Publicly funded colleges, training organisations, local authorities, and employers (FE providers) must collect and return the data to the ESFA each year under the terms of a funding agreement, contract or grant agreement. It helps ensure that public money distributed through the ESFA is being spent in line with government targets. It is also used for education, training, employment, and well-being purposes, including research.

    We retain your ILR learner data for 20 years for operational purposes (e.g. to fund your learning and to publish official statistics). Your personal data is then retained in our research databases until you are aged 80 years so that it can be used for long-term research purposes. For more information about the ILR and the data collected, please see the ILR specification at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/individualised-learner-record-ilr

    ILR data is shared with third parties where it complies with DfE data sharing procedures and where the law allows it. The DfE and the English European Social Fund (ESF) Managing Authority (or agents acting on their behalf) may contact learners to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training.

    For more information about how your personal data is used and your individual rights, please see the DfE Personal Information Charter (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-education/about/personal-information-charter) and the DfE Privacy Notice (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/privacy-notice-for-key-stage-5-and-adult-education).

    If you would like to get in touch with us or request a copy of the personal information DfE holds about you, you can contact the DfE in the following ways:

    If you are unhappy with how we have used your personal data, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at: -

    Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. You can also call their helpline on 0303 123 1113 or visit https://www.ico.org.uk

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Page last updated: 16 Jan 2025, 09:35 AM