What is the Older Persons Independent Living (OPIL) Housing Strategy?

    • It is the Council’s plan for supporting the delivery of more homes and choices of housing in all tenures that help people to live independently, safe and well in their own homes in later life.
    • It will also look at improving help and services for the home that help to support independence and active lifestyles. 
    • It will be a five-year plan setting out priorities for the Council and its partners supported by an action plan.

    Why is the strategy being developed?

    • Sheffield has a growing older population but not enough age-friendly housing and support that helps people to live an active and independent life as they grow older.

    What types of housing does the strategy cover?

    It covers:

    •  age-friendly general needs or mainstream housing that is for people of all ages but which can be particularly suitable for some people in later life, such as people with reduced mobility or people looking to downsize / rightsize. 
    •  specialist housing specifically for older people who are able to live with a large degree of independence but who may need or want the security of some support and/or care provided onsite. We refer to to this as 'retirement housing' in our consultation.

    What is the consultation for?

    • We will use what the public and other partners tell us to prioritise the types of homes and support that will be delivered by the Council and its partners.

    What will the strategy cover?

    • Age-friendly housing for homeowners and renters in the private and social sectors (all tenures) but not care homes.
    • Both mainstream (general needs) and retirement housing.
    • Support that helps people stay living safe and well in their home, such as support with repairs and maintenance, adaptations, technology and aids,

    What age-groups will the strategy be focussed on?

    • People approaching retirement age and older. 


    Does the strategy cover council housing only?

    • No, the strategy covers people living in all tenures - homeowners, private renters and social renters (council and housing association tenants).

    Who are the Council consulting with?

    • Members of the public
    • Housing, health and care professionals

    When will the strategy be completed?

    • We hope to have the strategy completed in early 2024.

    What is meant by mainstream age-friendly housing?

    • These are homes that are available to people of all ages, but which are particularly suitable for people in later life, such as homes suitable for downsizing into and which are easily accessible and adaptable. 

    What is meant by retirement housing?

    • Housing specifically for older people who are able to live independently but which have support and sometimes care provided onsite, such as sheltered and assisted living (also known as extra care housing).

    What other consultation will be taking place?

    • Online consultation on Have Your Say Sheffield
    • Shopping centres in different parts of Sheffield 
    • Meetings of partners and age groups

    Who should I contact for further information?

    The Council’s Strategic Housing Service: 

    Telephone (0114) 2736396

    Email HousingStrategy@sheffield.gov.uk