Hillsborough Park Improvements: what do you think of the changes?

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New library entrance and Changing Places toilet facilities

Following the installation and completion of the new library entrance and the Changing Places toilet facilities, we want to know what you think of them.

Previously to access the children's library, families had to leave the adult library and walk around the outside of the building and in through a separate entrance.   We have improved access by creating a new entrance which joins both adults and children’s libraries in one entry way, this also contains family and disability friendly toilets and space for a buggy park. This re-orientates the library to face the new café and link the library with the hub of the Park.

In relocating the parks toilet facilities from the Pavilion to the library extension the following advantages were envisioned::

  • leaving Age UK Sheffield and their users with more space in the Pavilion building
  • brings the Changing Places facility into the hub of the park adjacent to the library and bakery
  • avoids potential access conflict of disabled visitors and their carers using the same access route as the Parks staff/vehicles.

New library entrance and Changing Places toilet facilities

Following the installation and completion of the new library entrance and the Changing Places toilet facilities, we want to know what you think of them.

Previously to access the children's library, families had to leave the adult library and walk around the outside of the building and in through a separate entrance.   We have improved access by creating a new entrance which joins both adults and children’s libraries in one entry way, this also contains family and disability friendly toilets and space for a buggy park. This re-orientates the library to face the new café and link the library with the hub of the Park.

In relocating the parks toilet facilities from the Pavilion to the library extension the following advantages were envisioned::

  • leaving Age UK Sheffield and their users with more space in the Pavilion building
  • brings the Changing Places facility into the hub of the park adjacent to the library and bakery
  • avoids potential access conflict of disabled visitors and their carers using the same access route as the Parks staff/vehicles.

Tell Us What You Think!

Please tell us here what you think of the plans and please use this opportunity to flag up any potential issues that we should be aware of. Many thanks   

Thank you for visiting this consultation has concluded

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Very, very pleased to see these improvements to a lovely listed building. I would like to suggest the council invest in a blue plaque and events to commemorate the building's historical importance as the former house of James Willis Dixon.

BetterHousing 11 months ago

It is 14:37 on Tuesday the 17th October and I am currently stood outside the library entrance which is shut and has two notices one which tells me it should be open and one which tells me that if I’m interested in the improvement works I should visit this website. I think it would be more useful just to have a second notice explaining why the library is currently shut and how long I should expect it to be so but even when I visit the website there is no such information WHY?

George78 over 1 year ago

Whilst I think this addition is excellent, it is a shame that there was not more publicity about the need to close the Children’s Library for this work to be completed, and that thought was not given in the planning of the works to minimise the time that the Children’s library would be completely inaccessible to families. My children were extremely upset today to find the library closed. When will the children’s library be available again?

CatD over 1 year ago

I think its a great idea. Toilets have been much needed in the Library, particularly one that is suitable for all disabilities.

ElspethL over 1 year ago

Overall this is a great plan, and as a disabled person I especially welcome it.

I do however have some worry about adequate heating in the Changing Places toilet with it being a modular unit, given that the people it is most likely to be used by are likely to be badly affected by cold temperatures. I think a central location near the new library entrance will be much easier to access than the bowling pavillion so I welcome this.

I do also have some concerns about fire risk of zinc roofing on the library extension. And it needs considering that the young people who currently hang out in that area as it's presently a secluded area behind the library, might be tempted to climb onto it and/or vandalise it.

Thank you.

Frank over 1 year ago

Delighted to hear of a Changing Places toilet in Hillsborough! I hope it's location means it will be accessible 24/7 (radar scheme). Thanks

Jennyh over 1 year ago

This would be a really valued addition to the park, especially as there are several organizations near by who's clients need these facilities. To not have toilets they can use is really limiting for those people, meaning their days have to revolve around returning to places with suitable toilets, instead of being able to relax and enjoy the park like the majority of other visitors. Looking forward to Hillsborough park having facilities to meet everyone's needs! Would do wonders for Hillsborough's reputation too. Thanks

Amy.b over 1 year ago

As part of the same 15 year campaign as Jane101, I fully support the inclusion of the changing places facility. Sadly, ensuring that the facility stays safe and secure is a necessary priority. Thank you

Pud12 over 1 year ago

Fully support the inclusion of a changing places facility. We have campaigned in Sheffield for over 15 years for changing places to be included as standard in all public builings. Making sure the facility is safe and secure is a priority, as they are sadly subject to vandalism. Thank you

Jane101 over 1 year ago

A Changes Places is a valuable addition to the park. It's possible that there is some overlap between the AgeConcern patrons and the users of this facility.

maspiers over 1 year ago

Excellent proposal and joining the children’s and adult library is really positive. To make this attractive and welcoming long-term, the lighting and security around the new entrance needs to be really thought through. This area is currently a favourite hangout after dark and frequently graffitied / vandalised. Done well and this will give a whole new centre to the park.

Mattd84 over 1 year ago

Looks good - but must make sure that the lighting and security around a new rear door makes it feel like a welcoming entrance in a safe space.

FoHP over 1 year ago

I support the plans.

This will be a welcome addition to the park

Joonie64 over 1 year ago

This is a great development that I fully support. It will help make sure everyone has equal access to our public spaces, making those spaces better for the whole community.

Tansy over 1 year ago