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Winter food provision 2024-25

We are gathering information on the plans for community food providers in Sheffield over Christmas 2024 in order to be able to make people aware of where they can find support. We are also wanting to understand the wider challenges over the winter that community food providers are anticipating so that we can try to overcome them collectively.

This survey is only designed to be answered by community food providers. It is not meant to be completed by individuals.

The next Community Food Provision Working Group meeting is 4-6pm on 12th December where there'll be space for you to discuss these issues further. Please contact for more information or visit Community Food Provision | ShefFood

Maximum 255 characters


This email address will not be published or shared, unless it is your organisation's public email address.

Maximum 255 characters


Broad description of what you offer to local people.

What services do you currently offer?

* required
We realise that not all options may be available every day that you are open. Visit to see definitions

Which days are you currently open?

* required

What days are you open between Christmas and New Year?

Please tick all that apply.

What challenges are you expecting over winter?

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters
