Citizens Involvement Project
Help shape a new approach to involvement for Adult Social Care
This Spring 2024, we'll be running a ‘citizens involvement’ project to create a new model for working with local people to help shape and improve adult social care services in Sheffield.
We want to build on the insights and ideas from our Festival of Involvement as well as the work of our existing groups, to design the model. It will guide the way we work with community members to plan and evaluate services, including ways to hold us to account in areas that need to improve.
The project will bring together citizens, social care staff and other local organisations representing or providing services for the community.
We want to coproduce the new approach with local people, which means deciding together what it will look like.
We want to create more opportunities
for more people to get involved.
What we'll do
We'll identify ways for people to:
- share their stories and feedback on services easily, to keep us informed
- influence our thinking
- work together with us
- hold us to account.
Roles in the new model could include for example:
- community researchers
- design teams
- secret shoppers
- expert by experience presenters and advisors.
We'll also:
- refresh our co-production charter to reflect the new model
- look at how we can support people to take part and review our reward and recognition policy for involvement activities
- choose some key performance indicators to track how well we involve people across the service.
Who can get involved
This project is open to anyone who uses or may need social care support that is provided or paid for by the Council and carers of those who do. We will pay £10 an hour for your time, plus expenses. There will be several meetings which will either be in person or online, depending on people's preferences.
Find out more
To express your interest in the citizens involvement project, email:, call: 0114 273 4442, mobile/text: 07733 308335.
If you need help to take part, we can provide access and support expenses for things like travel or carer cover time. Please tell us about the support you need when you get in touch.
Project background
In our adult social care strategy to 2030, we promised to:
Provide a partnership of care and support, designed and delivered with communities
Make sure everyone can be involved as an equal partner in designing the support and services they receive across the whole system
Embed open and transparent decision-making alongside our plans and priorities for adult social care created with the people of Sheffield.
The Festival of Involvement and Citizens Involvement Project is the start of our journey.