Bereavement and Coronial Services

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Sheffielders! Help us before it’s too late!

The Sheffield City Council Bereavement and Coronial Service is currently devising a new strategy.

Our Service is responsible for managing Sheffield’s 16 cemeteries, 2 crematoria and garden of remembrance. We are also there to provide residents with care and support during the most difficult periods.

Bereavement affects everyone and death is one of the only certainties in life. How we are treated, the support on offer and the services available can define how we survive and recover from this experience.

This is why we need your help. We want to consult with as many residents as possible to come up with a strategy that will suit our city’s needs for the next 25 years and beyond. Our goal is to devise an ambitious and far-reaching plan that will support our growing city long after we’re gone.

We want to find new land on which to build more modern, greener cemeteries and improve the facilities and provisions on our current sites. We also want to provide a robust and inclusive service that caters for everyone in Sheffield.

By completing this survey you’ll be able to tell us:

  • What you expect from our service
  • How we can improve
  • What new facilities you would like to see
  • How we can build more modern, greener cemeteries
  • How you want our service to look in the future

Your views are invaluable to us and will play a central role in how we formulate our strategy.

Please click ‘Take Survey’ below to take part in the consultation. Thank you for your time.

(Please note this survey will run from 15th January 2024 - 24th March 2024)

Sheffielders! Help us before it’s too late!

The Sheffield City Council Bereavement and Coronial Service is currently devising a new strategy.

Our Service is responsible for managing Sheffield’s 16 cemeteries, 2 crematoria and garden of remembrance. We are also there to provide residents with care and support during the most difficult periods.

Bereavement affects everyone and death is one of the only certainties in life. How we are treated, the support on offer and the services available can define how we survive and recover from this experience.

This is why we need your help. We want to consult with as many residents as possible to come up with a strategy that will suit our city’s needs for the next 25 years and beyond. Our goal is to devise an ambitious and far-reaching plan that will support our growing city long after we’re gone.

We want to find new land on which to build more modern, greener cemeteries and improve the facilities and provisions on our current sites. We also want to provide a robust and inclusive service that caters for everyone in Sheffield.

By completing this survey you’ll be able to tell us:

  • What you expect from our service
  • How we can improve
  • What new facilities you would like to see
  • How we can build more modern, greener cemeteries
  • How you want our service to look in the future

Your views are invaluable to us and will play a central role in how we formulate our strategy.

Please click ‘Take Survey’ below to take part in the consultation. Thank you for your time.

(Please note this survey will run from 15th January 2024 - 24th March 2024)

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Welcome to the Sheffield Burial, Cremation and Cemetery Green Spaces survey.

    Why your views matter
    The aim of the Sheffield Burial, Cremation and Cemetery Green Spaces Strategy is to devise a plan which sets out the aims and aspirations of the Bereavement and Coronial Service for the next 25 years and beyond. The feedback you provide in this survey will have a direct impact on how we formulate our strategy and the direction we will take. We will use your views to improve our service, our facilities and the way we work. That is why it is crucial that we hear from as many residents as possible and we are really grateful that you have taken the time to answer our questions.

    Publishing/Privacy Statement
    The results of the consultation will be published on the Have Your Say Web Page and may be shared with our stakeholders. We may choose to use your comments within a press release or online (social media or website). Your responses will remain anonymous. For further information, please visit the Council’s privacy policy page Privacy Policy | Have Your Say Sheffield

    Updating and removing contact details
    If you have registered on the site, more information about removing your contact details can be found on the Council’s privacy policy page.

    Thank you for your time. The survey is split into 7 sections and should take between 5-7 minutes to complete.

    Share Burial, Cremation and Cemetery Green Spaces Survey 2024 on Facebook Share Burial, Cremation and Cemetery Green Spaces Survey 2024 on Twitter Share Burial, Cremation and Cemetery Green Spaces Survey 2024 on Linkedin Email Burial, Cremation and Cemetery Green Spaces Survey 2024 link
Page last updated: 09 Apr 2024, 04:21 PM